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Excitement in the Hollow

It's true! The Hollow is filled with excitement these days. Shelley, my artist friend, is working on lots of projects. She is currently involved in the 30 in 30 Painting Challenge. That is an oline event where artists do 30 paintings in 30 days, then post the results. You can see them here. Here is a sample of a couple she's done:

Shelley is, also, in the beginning stages of work on a joint venture to bring her art to the marketplace in a broader way. Stay tuned for more of that as it moves along, from Shelley. As for me, Charm, I have been going in and out of hybernation with the winter chill. I've been trying to stay warm, but the warmer

days here at the Hollow bring me out of my sleepy sleep. Every time I awaken, there are new friends to play with, and get to know. Here is one:

Thanks for stopping by!

A note from Shelley:

We are continuing our quest to increase the products and joy we put into them. If there is an idea you have, or product or animal you would like to see, please drop us a line at


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