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New MicroArt

I am always wanting to create. That is in my blood, my nature, and my heart. As my life gets busier, it is, as with most of us, harder to find time in the studio. So I recently went on vacation to Seattle, Washington to visit my sister. While there, we went to the University Book Store, and I bought a travel watercolor kit. I have others, and so, I guess I am collecting them. Ironically, I didn't use it much there, so busy seeing the sites, and going to British Columbia. I was enamored of the hydrangeas there, so I painted a couple of those. But when I got home, I went to town. . . Here are a few of my paintings with my new little watercolor kit. These paintings are only 5x7". This is about the right size for me to finish. I really love doing images of nature, and combining sweet little objects. They are probably one step past doodle art, but it makes me happy.

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