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February 2015

March 20th to April 20th

ARIES: Aries are getting the "feels" this month, as Mars, your ruling planet, is in the sign of Pisces. Pisces waters down Aries' fire with emotions. You may want a nap, instead of your usual go, go, go. Take it easy, where you can. You are feeling Uranus' effects, still, and will for a while. Uranus in Aries is the marketer, salesperson, and entrepreneur. His last big hit, a square to Pluto in Capricorn, happens March 16th, leaving you to feel more assertive, and needing to call your own shots even more. This is the final of 7 squares, meaning you are ready to move forward, you've learned your lessons of ownership. You know what you want, now do it! March is your month.


April 20th to May 21st

TAURUS: Taurus, you have Neptune, Venus and Mars in your 11th house of peer groups and friendships. You are needing more time with your own kind. Jupiter retrograde in your house of home and family means you may not be feeling like you are getting the attention you want or deserve for your generosity. Listen to your inner voice, and be kind to yourself this month. A love from the past may come in, or a career opportunity from a former employer. You are needing more freedom in relationships, marriage and partnerships as Saturn is now in Sagittarius, giving you the bug to move on, move, or take a nice vacation.


May 21st to June 21st

GEMINI: Gemini, you can expect to not feel like taking action in career, right now. Neptune, Venus and Mars are all transiting your career house, inclining you to LET the good come to you. This is about FAITH. Mercury in Aquarius is retrograde at the time of this writing, but will move forward on February 11th. While retrograde, you are having a tougher time than usual making your thoughts click with your mouth. Saturn in Sagittarius is accenting this, as he is in opposition to your Sun sign. It is a time of speaking your mind, and paying the price. Jupiter retrograde in Leo completes the fire trio. You may not feel like you are getting enough pay for the value you have. This is a time of contemplation over money and finances. Now is your social time, until the 22 of February, when the Sun moves into Pisces, squaring your sign.


June 20th to July 21st

CANCER: Cancers, you are turning inward this month, as the Pisces segment of your chart is triggered by Neptune, Venus and Mars. Mars in your house of higher understanding has you seeking answers from a higher source, one that is ultimately found within. Faith comes into play when encountering those in a teaching world. ALLOW is your word for the month. You may have opportunities for travel and growth now. Pluto in Capricorn in your house of partnership has you staying on the path of grown. What do you fear? What do you want? Saturn reinforces the travel aspects with work. You are learning more at work now. You may have some leg issues, too, or feet issues.


July 22nd to August 23rd

LEO: Lions, are you not feeling appreciated? With Jupiter retrograde in your first house of the self, and ego, you are likely feeling the need to withdraw, and rediscover what your drives are. Mars is triggering issues with money and marriage. You may treat it like a fluid thing, and your partner is having none of it. With Sun in Aquarius next to Mercury in Aquarius, retrograde, you are feeling skittish with partners, and want more freedom. You don't like to be told what to do, and Mercury is making it harder to communicate with your partner. Saturn in Sagittarius in a trine to your sign has you wanting to escape to new places. Fun ideas include nature hikes, ziplining, or kayaking. Sagittarius Saturn likes to use the legs, so maybe a day of biking is for you.


August 23rd to September 23rd

VIRGO: Virgos, you may have been feeling a little lonely lately. Lots of independent aspects in your chart right now. The marriage and partnership house is triggered now, with Neputne there, accompanied by Venus and Mars (women & men/love & sex). The creative energies are flowing rapidly, and I do mean flowing. Emotions are represented in the zodiac by water signs, and Pisces is definitely giving you the "feels". Saturn in Sagittarius promises opportunities for spiritual growth in the family unit. You are seeking to expand, and Jupiter in your 12th house of the subconscious (retrograde) is triggering the need to pay some attention to yourself. The full Moon will accent this as well, as the Moon is in Leo along with Jupiter. Pluto continues to tell you to own your desires, and connect to friends ...without judgement!


September 23rd to October 23rd

LIBRA: Librans, your chart has lots of energy in the second quadrant of your chart: home, family, creativity, health and work, and marriage/partnerships. The strong focus right now is creativity, connecting to friends and soul groups. You are having issues with Mercury retrograde in Aquarius, the sign of inspiration. Maybe you are being blocked. This energy doesn't like to be told what to do. Your organizations and work groups house, the 11th, on the opposite side of the chart, has Jupiter retrograde. This means you may not be feeling as appreciated by coworkers, or those in professional organizations, as you would like. Connections and understandings with people you try to connect to have been difficult. This will continue until February 11th when Mercury goes direct, and in work environments, or social meetings until Jupiter goes direct on April 7th.


October 22nd to November 22ndth

SCORPIO: Scorpio's ruler is Pluto, the most powerful planet of the zodiac, from the standpoint of time taken to make his point. He is the king of wipe it all out and start over. If you've felt that this past year, Scorpions, you are on track. Pluto is in Capricorn, approaching midway, at 14 degrees. This means he is in the Taurus decant of the zodiac, creating a focus on money and the material world. He is in the 3rd house of communications and thought. This all means that you have extra time thinking about how you can 1) find more money 2) stay focused enough to communicate your needs and 3) restructure your thought patterns to allow for 1 and 2. Uranus in your house of work continues to draw you to independent work environments, and marketing of your ideas and yourself in the workplace. URIEL is your Archangel.


November 22nd to December 22nd

SAGITTARIUS: Saturn moved into your sign on December 24th. You should have felt a strong kick in the pants when he did. He is telling you to get going, and take ownership of your desires. He, also, has a strong interest in your fears. Sagittarians need freedom, and Saturn is a restrictive energy. This will be a theme in your life for the next 2.5 years, Saturn's transit. He will set up road blocks to help you understand yourself, your fears, and give you the opportunity to take ownership of your desires. In square, and difficult aspect to him, is Neptune. Neptune likes to break down barriers. This is why Saturn and Neptune don't get along right now. One builds barriers, the other breaks them down. Where they are being broken down is the home environment. Nothing seems to be getting done there, as Mars transits here, wanting to just hang out at home. In March, though, Sagittarians will be off to the races, as Aries planets harness the fire energy.


December 22nd to January 20th

CAPRICORN: Capricorns, Mars, Venus and Neptune is putting in touch with your sensitive, intuitive side. You are having strong dreams now, to help you get in touch with your subconscious. Pluto is renovating your sense of self, triggering fears, bringing you, continually, to a demarkation point of "I've had enough". Enough doing everything for everyone, without appreciation. Jupiter in Leo retrograde is accenting this point in marriage and partnership situations. Uranus is accenting this new need for freedom in the home and family sector. Mercury retrograde in your house of money has electronic glitches with finances. Saturn in Sagittarius is bringing a much needed sense of freedom to your psyche.


January 20th to February 18th

AQUARIUS: Aquarians, you are one of the highest cognizance sign. You are a sharpie, a.k.a. genius. Your ruling planet, Uranus, is a powerful one. You are going through a difficult time with relationships right now. Jupiter retrograde in Leo is opposing your Sun. Leo rules friendship, and he falls in your house of marriage and partnership. This means you like having a connected relationship to your partner. Aquarians can be detached with people, in general, they are a sign that sees the good of the whole above the good of the few. Not with Leo in the 7th, Leo NEEDS to connect. With expansive Jupiter retrograde there, you are feeling somewhat disconnected from the "other". This will go on until Jupiter goes direct in early April. You are picking up everyone's emotions around money, right now. You may feel like you can't move forward with your monetary goals. This is Pisces' influence on Mars. You are in an emotional quagmire for a while. Mars moves into driven Aries March 20, giving some relief!


February 18th to March 20th

PISCES: Pisces, you have lots of activity in your sign this month, creating an environment of no activity. Pisces is at its best kicking back, and letting things come to it. This is difficult for anyone who is a control freak with other planets in fire or earth signs. Pisces are the antidote to the type A personality. So right now, the world is on your schedule. It is a time of slow, moody, touchy-feeling, and specifically, dreamy energy. You are reminded of your identity and purpose in this world. In career, this is your time to take your place in charge. Pluto is asking you to step up to the plate, because the more wiling you are to be "in charge" the more you will be on track. Mercury in retrograde until the 11th of February is messing with your thoughts. He is in Aquarius, messing with your thoughts. He is electrical, and your subconscious is picking up all sorts of disconnected thoughts. This is the nature of electricity. Grounding (hug a tree, walk in the grass) will help with the energy.

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