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A Wild Ride

The next few weeks, well, all of March, is a month for the history books. So many planetary influences and aspects happening. They will affect all of us. To list them by date:


• Jupiter trines Uranus - March 3

• Venus conjunct Uranus - March 4

• Venus trine Jupiter/square Pluto - March 4

• Full Moon in Virgo - March 5

• first 2 weeks = Uranus Pluto square at 14° approaching exact

• Mars trine Jupiter - March 9

• Mars conjunct Uranus/ Mars square Pluto - March 10

• Mercury enters Pisces - March 12

• Saturn retrogrades in Sagittarius - March 14


• Mercury squares Saturn - March 16

• Venus enters Taurus - March 17 (St. Patrick's Day)

• Mercury conjunct Neptune - March 18

• TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE / NEW MOON at 29° Pisces 29' - March 20

• Sun enters Aries - March 20

• Mercury inconjunct Jupiter - March 21

•Mercury sextiles Pluto - March 22

Just to name a few. Currently, as I'm writing this, on March 6th, Jupiter is approaching a trine to Uranus. Trines are an aspect typically thought of as a good aspect. That said, I have some to see them as an aspect that takes away, or complicates, before it gives. So while the ultimate outcome of a trine is beneficial, we may have to give something up before we see it. Jupiter is transitions, and Uranus is the unexpected, the over-riding picture to the benefit of the collective. You will be feeling the desire to be your own boss, and taking action to make this happen. What may thwart you, now, is your own ego need to be recognized. Jupiter retrograde is needing connection, but feeling disconnected to others.

It may be easiest to start with the planets, one by one. Mercury is in Aquarius until March 12th. In Aquarius, Mercury is a highly intelligent, thoughtful, and even chatty fellow. He is looking for ideas. That is the territory of Mercury as well as Aquarius. Aquarius cranks up the volume of the Mercury energy, and affects electronic devices, and small appliances. Travel can be affected, as well as communications. With Aquarius' ruler, Uranus, in approaching square to Pluto, do look for inclement weather and miscommunications and misunderstandings.

Full Moon on March 5, means we are more thoughtful, as the Full Moon is in the sign of Virgo, also ruled by Mercury. Virgo rules health and work. With a Full Moon in Virgo, it is safe to say we don't feel like we have accomplished enough, even while we are way beyond our normal level of accomplishment. Intestinal issues come with Virgo, so if you are stressed, that is where you will hold your stress. Business can pick up now.

Venus is having an active month, she is in the sign of Aries for the first part of the month, trining Jupiter, Saturn, and conjuncting Uranus and Mars. This means she is active (Aries) and fortunate (Jupiter), and highly independent (Uranus/Aries). She is doing exactly what she wants to do now, and getting many benefits from it. Don't be shy about speaking up for what you really want and need. The second half of the month, Venus moves into a more comfortable sign, Taurus, one of the two signs she rules. This means monetary issues will be at the forefront of our thought in the second half of the month of March. Taurus rules the physical, material world of desires and comfort. So we are striving to feel more physically comfortable, getting that beautiful coif, and saving for a nice home. Taurus brings to mind the country gentleman, and in design, Ralph Lauren exemplifies the energy of Venus in Taurus. Stocks will do well, and conservative areas doe better.

Mars is in the sign of Aries this month up until we see if March goes out like a lion or lamb. My guess is March progresses like a lion, and we all look forward to a calm break as Mars joins Venus in Taurus at month's end. Mars in his own sign, Aries, means he is taking no prisoners. He conjoins Uranus, for a strong square to Pluto in earthy Capricorn, making the point Uranus has, I am old enough to take care of myself now, thanks, Dad, boss, overseer. You will see Mars and Venus willing to do battle early in the month, and later on, Venus calms the fires with some Earth thrown on them, as she now brings in the feminine energy. Sun's move into the sign of Aries, though, will take up the cause, and bring ego into the mix. Now we are ready for a fight, and it is ego-driven. We just want to be right.

Jupiter is still retrograde, and feeling somewhat disconnected, and underappreciated. Wherever he is in your chart, know that he really needs to be seen, and heard. This, likely, isn't the case, though, and his retrograde motion is insisting that we acknowledge our desires to have attention, and be creative. When he moves direct on April 8th, we will, once again, feel ready to take on the world. Leo is the storyteller, connected to children, and expresses creativity. Jupiter is going to expand this area of our lives, again, in April. Enjoy the break all the Pisces energy is bringing us, now.

Saturn is in the sign of Sagittarius, now, at 4°, but he is ready to retrograde himself, come the 14th of March. This happens the same day Mercury enters Pisces. Look to weather issues affecting flying, and long-distance travel plans. This is a terrible day to be flying. The square between Saturn and Mercury is ripe for accidents. Weather is affected by ground water, precipiation and fog. Saturn in Sagittarius is the realm of the adventurer, the wanderer, and the learner. All these areas are now in our can we be freer to travel, and connect to those in other cultures. Languages are a barrier, along with different cultural customs. We can put our foot in our mouth easier with Saturn in Sag retrograde, but add Mercury in Pisces to the mix, squaring, and we can spill long-kept secrets.

Uranus, as stated, is directly squaring Pluto, for the last of 7 times, starting 2 years ago, on March 16th. This means we are putting our feet down to the bullying, and coercion Pluto has gotten away with thus far. Uranus won't be told what to do, and Pluto in Capricorn needs control. Uranus doesn't want to be controlled, especially the police, fire and emergency workers, which Aries rules. They may feel caught between the masses (Uranus) and authority/government (Capricorn). This is a significant transit for those born with Uranus conjunct Pluto in the early 1960s, as these people were used to the cooperation of freedom and dogma (Pluto), not a battle for control. Somewhere in all their charts is a disagreement with authority of epic proportions, or alternately, the feeling of loss of control, and desire to not let go. This IS the time to let go, or suffer worse from the consequences of holding on to that which has outlived its time.

Neptune is in the dreamy, escapist sign of Pisces. Pisces is a very accepting sign, so much so that it doesn't engage in the battle, fight, or conversation. It will go off on its own, and hole up in fantasyland. . . a very lovely, albeit illusional, space. We can feel tired, dreamy, or foggy while Neptune is in Pisces, which doesn't end until 2026. This is a VERY big generation of people born with Neptune in Pisces. It will be the precursor generation to shift of consciousness to a collective understanding of the importance of intuition, emotions, feelings, faith and out of any other sign, the one most capable of creating peace in the world. Pisces gains power through water. It isn't always a quick shift, but it can be, witness a tsunami wave, but usually it is as subtle as the wearing away of the rocks, i.e. the Grand Canyon. But when Neptune is challenged, as in Saturn, look to Neptune to win the battle. We are being asked to really see what our dreams and desires are now. We are no longer able to ignore them, and hide from the action needing to be taken to make them real. Saturn's job is to show us just this. Saturn in Sagittarius will heighten our dogma around religion and education. Look for shifts in education now, with a battle over faith, even faith in schools.

Pluto is in Capricorn still, and until 2025. This means we are digging up the hidden, juicy secrets of governments, corporations, countries and anything which has an authority figure. We are in a process of shifting out of the collective need to give over our authority to an external entity. Once Pluto moves into Aquarius, we will have been, and will strongly continue to shift to a world of more personal autonomy. Systems (Capricorn) are being challenged, and falling apart. This includes in our personal lives. Wherever we are stuck, our behavior patterns are not working for us anymore. Look to these issues now, and try to acknowledge where you are feeling fearful, and in should be letting go. It is no coincidence that Frozen (Capricorn) became a runaway success in this time frame. The song Let It Go was a mass wake-up call from Spirit. . . continue to listen to this great message.

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