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Mercury Finally Goes Direct!

Aren't we all tired of Mercury by now? We can, finally, look forward to thoughts, electronics and traffic moving forward again. As of 9:57 am Eastern Standard Time and 6:57 am Pacific Standard Time, Mercury will, once again, move in his forward motion. As this happens, it will take a few days to get up to speed after his station. Once he does, all that Aquarian energy will be back on track. The weather may be in upheaval for a couple days, as Mercury and Aquarius both have ties to weather. They rule air energy, lightning, and storms. As the motion goes from retrograde to direct, we have a shift in weather, as well.

Aquarius is unexpected, outside the rules, and very interested in the best for humanity. He is back at 01° of Aquarius, back to the beginning, as it were. We will be aware of information with clear mind. Chemicals, genius pursuits, innovation and connectedness to others of like-mind are hallmarks of this energy. And by the way, Aquarius AND Mercury are both chatty. So look for contacts to come out of the woodwork. If you have been waiting for a call, text or email that didn't come on time, now it will. Mercury moves into sextile with Saturn in the next week. This inclines him to working with those in charge, or even owning his own authority now, and getting things going. We should all feel a little freer.

Congratulations! You made it through. Keep that feeling as we brace for March, and Uranus' final direct square (90°) to Pluto on March 16, 2015.

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