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If you know anything about Pisces, you will know that is an oxymoron. Pisces loves to break structure down, not take over. That being said, right now in the heavens, Pisces IS in charge, of our emotional life. Neptune, Pisces' ruler, is making his over decade long trek through Pisces. This will enhance the "feels". Joining him are the planets Venus and Mars. The Sun will be there in 13 days. If you have been feeling a bit hopeless, this may be because the part of your chart that Pisces falls in is triggering the depths.

Pisces will overtake the normal modes of operation, subtly. Neptune can make us feel like we aren't making any headway on our goals. He will incline us to want to sit back, and let our dreams come to us. If you are efforting in the usual way, "I am just going to power through" or "I know what to do, I will do x, and x and y"....Neptune has other ideas. This can be extremely frustrating. If you are of the early 60s generation, or have planets in Virgo, Gemini, or Sagittarius, this month will be challenging. Venus wants us to take stock, follow our bliss and not worry. Mars, normally a driven energy, the engine of our worlds, is slowed way down. He is enhancing the laid back attitude. Aries, and Capricorn, and even Cancer don't like that too much.

What can we glean from Pisces? We get to see our escapist tendencies, where we would rather just sit back and have a margarita with our toes in the sand. Is that such a bad thing? Many of us, unless we are pushed otherwise, will keep moving forward through all sorts of weather, right Sagittarius? And speaking of weather....the rain and snow are not just metaphors for the collective, they are the physical manifestations of our emotional, psychological, and energetic state of being. They are, also, the way we SLOW DOWN, as Pisces would have us do.

So if you are in a bad, sad place, know that this, too, will pass. But while you are in it, why not take advantage of it? Call in apathetic, and go to the beach, write the book you've been thinking about, or bake cuppycakes...and accept this gift from Pisces.

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