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APRIL 2015

March 20th to April 20th

ARIES: Aries are being torn in two ways. First, the bad news, Sagittarius Saturn is retrograde, heading back to Scorpio, which means some of the headway you've felt since New Year's is now withdrawing like low tide. You may feel like you aren't able to keep philosophies you have recently found, but they will come back again, as Saturn goes direct in August. The good news is Jupiter is going direct on April 8th, in Leo, a compatible fire sign. This will help you in romance, and luck. Any issues with children will be able to be resolved now. Creativity flows, again, and you find more time for one on one relationships and friends.


April 20th to May 21st

TAURUS: Mars is now in your sign, so you will feel an extra infusion of energy toward making money, and pursuing pleasurable desires. This increases the energy put into earth sign endeavors, such as gardening, sowing seeds for future harvests, and engaging and pleasurable , tactile pursuits. Venus is also in your sign now. She is in positive aspect to Pluto and Capricorn, and is looking to find tangible ways of expressing herself, shopping, spa days, etc. With Mercury, the Sun, and Uranus in your 12th house, you may be feeling like you're not able to come out and really express yourself in the physical way you might want to. This is a strong time of having to deal with your anger. You are feeling independent, but feeling like you can’t manifest it. Saturn in your house of commitment, retrograde, means you have to take responsibility for your loose purse strings. You may be feeling the strong need to go find new adventures, or even take risks with joint finances, but I would wait until after Jupiter in Leo goes direct on April 8.


May 21st to June 21st

GEMINI: Geminis, you are feeling strong inclination to work for yourself now. Mercury and Aries means that you are having a little less ability to curb your tongue, and what your thoughts are. You may find that you want to act out on your ideas, with Taurus you are taking action which is slow and steady. Venus in Taurus in your 12th house means you are wanting a connection, and your desires are coming out in your dreams. Jupiter goes direct in your house of communication, wanting you to start putting more energy into creativity, and the expression of that, and the influence of children. Saturn in your house of marriage and partnership has you being taken to task for the lack of connectedness, and how little you may be around. You are experiencing strong wanderlust right now. Neptune in your career house, coupled with Venus and Mars in Taurus, in your 12th house, wants you to pay attention to your intuitive side in business, and your dreams.


June 20th to July 21st

CANCER: The sign of Cancer is experiencing a strong draw towards calling your own shots in your career. Mercury in your house of career means you are thinking a lot about a new idea around life purpose, and taking chances on yourself. Uranus in the same house doesn't want to be told what to do, and with a parting square to Pluto, it is at the limit. The upcoming lunar eclipse in Libra will finish any doubts you had, bringing you to a point of break from an old story. Jupiter turning direct in Leo on April 8 will see an increase in your income, and money from creative sources or surrounding children. Saturn in your house of health and work means that you are, during his retrograde, moving back towards a different way of expressing yourself, and it is involving someone else, or a romantic partner, or children.


July 22nd to August 23rd

LEO: Leos are going to have a great month, since Jupiter will be going direct April 8, and you will be riding the top of the wave towards attention, connectedness, relationships and creativity. Your childlike nature and generosity will bloom. You can look forward to a full year with lots of attention, and work to be done. Pluto in your house of work means you're also going to gain responsibilities in the work environment, and or taking care of your health. Aries planets are in your house of higher understanding, and adventure. You will be wanting more freedom, and a creative outlet is imminent. Mars and Venus this month and next in your house of career mean that you have increased opportunity for money, social connecting for the purpose of doing business, and even romance. It might be time to actually take the plunge into a relationship again.


August 23rd to September 23rd

VIRGO: The large stellium of planets in Aries and Taurus for you, Virgo, falls into your houses of commitment and change, and education. You may be feeling a draw towards getting some extended education, or going off on an amazing adventure which brings you a whole new way of looking at your life. With Leo going direct in your 12th house, for the summer, you are feeling particularly happy, self-satisfied, and very creative or artistic. You'll just know how to pick the right pony in the race. Saturn is affecting the way you express your childlike nature, but he is still working along with Mercury for the month of April, giving you stronger means of expression, and also taking action. Watch out that you don't step on toes of friends. Neptune continues his transit through your house of marriage and partnership, meaning that you are thinking about what you would like, ideally, from your partner. This may or may not live up to what you had in mind, but you will know later on in the summer when Neptune goes retrograde. The blinders come off, and you will see your partner in a clear way.


September 23rd to October 23rd

LIBRA: Now is an amazing time for taking action. Mars is in your house of commitment, and you may very well feel it is time to commit to a partner. If you have been having issues, they may be along the lines of needing more freedom in the relationship. This is something Librans are not used to, since they always need to have a partner with them for balance. Jupiter turning direct now will help clarify the creative side of your career, and bring you lots of fortune through taking risks. Saturn is in positive aspect to the Sun and Uranus in Aries, giving you many opportunities to make more money by collaborating with another person. Take advantage of it, even though there may be a few rough edges. Venus will be in Taurus most of the month, keeping you in alignment with a partner. Now is a good time for investment in relationships.


October 22nd to November 22nd

SCORPIO: With Saturn retrograding in your house of money, you may be feeling a pinch which you haven't felt since late last year. Saturn wants to teach you about your personal value one last time. You are having opportunities for travel, as well. Pluto was asking you to step up to the plate when it comes to your money issues, taking ownership, and not telling everyone else what to do. All of the Aries planets fall in your house of work, which means you need to do the marketing, sales, and taking charge of your personal work environment to get things done, now. Venus and Mars in your house of relationships has you looking for the possibility of a partner. Jupiter turning direct in your house of career means that you are in the spotlight, and you will be getting the rewards as if you were under a golden star.


November 22nd to December 22nd

SAGITTARIUS: Saturn retrograde in your sign, Sagittarius, means that the headway you made at the beginning of the year is being put on hold so that you can clean out your closet, emotionally. You will be feeling a bit restricted with the ability to take action towards fun right now. This will lighten after August. Neptune is still in a wide square to your Saturn, and Sun. Neptune is asking you to dig deeper than you normally like to dig, into your emotional life. This is an ongoing energy for the next decade. Aries’ energies are helping you to take action in your romantic life. Venus and Mars in your workplace may be pointing to where you can find romance, at work. Jupiter in Leo about to go direct, also, is in your corner, helping you get where you need to go spiritually. He is expanding your world through education, and travel.


December 22nd to January 20th

CAPRICORN: Saturn retrograde in your 12th house now, and is moving back towards Scorpio and your 11th house, this means that you are, again, trying to find your value at work. You have also been going through a major Rotorootering of your identity, as the universe has made it rather difficult to continue the same behaviors you've always had. It is now time to really take strong hard look at why you feel you need to control everything around you. What is the fear? Venus and Mars may bring new love into your life as they transit your fifth house of romance. Jupiter will expand money from others, or give you a wonderful hefty refund your taxes if you file after the 8th of April. Look to your internal voice and use it as a guided compass to get where you need to be. Your dreams give you lots of clues on how to get your point across.


January 20th to February 18th

AQUARIUS: Aquarians, you are finding that the themes you were dealing with our how to express yourself in your life, and your work environment. You're needing to look at how you are valued within the work environment. Mercury in Aries may have you at high point in sales, and marketing. Jupiter going to direct in your house a partnership brings you fortune in love right now. You are lit up like a Christmas tree, to the opposite, or same, gender. Take advantage, as the risks bring sure thing. Mercury in Aries in your house of communication means that, unlike normal discussion habits, you want to do more physical expression right now. Venus and Mars in your house of home and family mean that comfort comes from shopping, or spending money. Don't spend too much, as Jupiter would have you do.


February 18th to March 20th

PISCES: Neptune wants you to own your nature and ability for strong intuition, and visions. You are very tuned in and right now Mars and Venus will support you in this expression, and even bring it into the tangible world of business. You are hot in your abilities with investments. Jupiter moving direct in your house of work brings a lot of attention to what you do creatively, and you may have the influence of children or a child like nature people are drawn to strongly. Pluto in your house of money from career, and peers, have you looked at four directions. This is your time to own your career, life purpose, or the direction you choose to go in your soul group. Saturn may have you questioning your value, surrounding the knowledge you have. This will lighten up later in the summer.

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