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March 2015


March 20th to April 20th

ARIES: Aries, you are the sign of the next couple months! March has Venus, Mars, South Node and Uranus all in your sign. This is a powerful stellium of energy. Venus, our desires, will drive the bus for a little while. As she decides just what she wants, in this sign, it is sex and action. Around mid-March, Mars takes the wheel, as he puts into action all Venus desires, and Uranus clears the path, but not without a battle. The South Node makes it all feel familiar, and channels the energy of our past lives, and how we came out of the gate ready to run. March 16, when Uranus directly squares Pluto for the last time, will be a particularly trying time, and the final battle to get your point across. All the conflict you've been feeling with "authority", or an elder, will come to a head. You are at go time, so take the reins, and make your life the way you want it to be!


April 20th to May 21st

TAURUS: This is a trying time for Taureans as the energies, for the last couple years, have been forcing you to look at your motivations, and subconscious drives. You are a very independent person, and with Venus, Mars, and Uranus transiting your 12th house, you are having to acknowledge that you don't like to be tied down to restrictions or rules, but you may not be able to express it easily, as the Pisces house waters down the natural drive of Aries. On March 16th, as Uranus directly squares Pluto, you are put in a position to once, and for all, look at this drive, and where it is directing you to go. You can no longer ignore your intuition, and insight. You must take action on it, and Pluto is forcing you to "come out", letting your faith guide you. Don't worry, this is in divine order.


May 21st to June 21st

GEMINI: Geminis, you have been moving towards your own manifest destiny. This is the month you will move forward with your ambitions. Money from career is reliant on your actions, and how much you market your ideas, and self. You need to blow your own horn, and help others to recognize you are capable of everything you say you are, and more. You are insightful, driven, and won't take "no" for an answer now. Look for dogma around legal issues, and in joint finances. The old ways of looking at money, as it relates to others, is changing, and has to. These ideas are no longer able to maintain their organizational reliability. You may be making new friends, or joining clubs and groups of others who see things the way you do.


June 20th to July 21st

CANCER: Cancers, you have been test with your patience for the last couple years, as your vision of your life is challenged by your relationship circumstances. This is a pivotal month for you, as you must let go of your dogma related to a spouse or partner, and go with the flow of the energies, with Aries planets triggering your desire for autonomy, but also directing you towards your own vision. You are needing to create a place of your own, where you are able to operate the way YOU need to. You are emotionally attached to an idea of what you could be in relationship, but to fulfill your mission in life, you must move into another realm on your own. This doesn't necessarily mean break up, just a need to express yourself in a more individual way. The week of March 10-17th will be pivotal, and stressful. Don't forget to take care of yourself, and you are not able to hide in your shell right now. Ride this out, and you will see great reward on the other side.


July 22nd to August 23rd

LEO: Leo folk are more sensitive than the outside world would think. You are really very loving, and generous. The fiery aspects in the sky right now are bringing out your inner beast, though. With Uranus in Aries, trining your Sun, and squaring Pluto for the last time in 2 years, and 7 exact squares, you are wrapping up the story of fighting for autonomy. You must move on to your own new adventure. Education, spiritual growth, and listening to your inner drive are paramount this month, and next, as Aries energy drives you to expand. Jupiter near your Sun, retrograde has been making you feel a bit disconnected to others, but this uncomfortable feeling will subside as April approaches. Artistic endeavors are good for you to express this fiery energy. You are wanting to grown and learn more, and feel less needing to work for the sake of work. Let go of the old dogma, and move towards a new, curious and exciting future.


August 23rd to September 23rd

VIRGO: Virgos, you are getting hit on at least two fronts this month. Neptune in your house of marriage and partnership is stressing you as you want things to stay lovely, and the way you envision marriage or partnership to be. Saturn in Sagittarius, in your home life house, is squaring Neptune, creating this disconnect between your desires for action, sex drive, the need to move towards new adventure and what a partner may be wanting, or acting like. On another front, you are feeling the pressure to take action in commitment, doing your own thing within the relationship, and having the personal authority to call the financial shots. You may be wanting to sell the home, or move in a different direction away from "us" and towards "me". With Uranus directly squaring Capricorn on March 16th, it is go time, and this is the time of resolution, though it may not be without a battle, Pluto has you attracted to another, or needing to let go of the way you look at a relationship with a child, or children.


September 23rd to October 23rd

LIBRA: Librans, Librans, you are getting hit, this month, with the strong energy of shift in your house of relationships. With Aries planets transiting your marriage and partnership house, you are feeling less like cooperating, and more like following your own drummer. Mars, Venus and Uranus brings the unusual quality, multiplicity to your marriage and relationships sector. With a square to Pluto completing on the 16th, this could be the aspect which shifts the discomfort to the next stage, finally. You are being told the old way of looking at family is no longer working, and it is time to change things up. This is never easy. You, also, have a retrograde Jupiter in your house of organizations, money from career, and connectedness to the collective. You have been NOT feeling connected since he has been moving retrograde. This will ease up around April 7th when Jupiter moves direct, once again. He will bring riches of friends, and actual riches from your career efforts, then.


October 22nd to November 22nd

SCORPIO: Scorpions, you are feeling angry all the time, it seems, now. Your Plutonic nature gravitates towards large, grand and dramatic displays of energy as a rule. With Uranus squaring your ruler, Pluto, directly, and for the last time in your lifetime March 16th, look for intense releases of energy. Know that your boiling point is the week leading up to March 16th, and counter it with meditation, and breath work. This is energy which has been building up for a while, since Pluto in Capricorn is very attached to its dogma, and doesn't accept change well. Uranus in Aries will have nothing but, and the Aries energy wants a fight, too. This is a Goliath battle, and Uranus has Mars on its side. It is time for the final countdown battle in the workplace. Pluto in your house of communications and transportation can mean you are vulnerable to road rage, so be very careful on the road. March 10-16th is a life-changing week, and we need you to be safe.


November 22nd to December 22nd

SAGITTARIUS: Sagittarians, you will be dealing with what seems like more than you can handle right now. Saturn in your first house of SELF and ego is poised to turn retrograde on March 14th, giving you a bit of a break from the restrictive finger pointing, and the feeling that others are holding you back. You will be revisiting the deep emotions you felt at the end of last year, again, but it is to wrap up the story you held in your subconscious about your worth. Think of it as an echo event. Pluto in your second house is insisting you change your financial habits, there is no wiggle room anymore. You cannot go on the way you have been. This is especially true for those of you with Saturn in Sagittarius in your charts, or Scorpio risings. The draw to spend is there, but it needs to be told to sit down and shut up, this is Saturn talking! Aries planets in your fifth house are inclining you strongly, to not cooperate with children or other love. You are wanting to stretch your legs and run away, be your own person. March is the month you will do that. It is explosive in relationships, and money is at the heart of it.


December 22nd to January 20th

CAPRICORN: Capricornians, you are at the end. The dogma being challenged, of yours, for the last two years, is finally at a head. Uranus in Aries hits Pluto in Cappy on March 16th for the final time of 7 direct squares. You are needing to let the definition you have had of yourself GO, for once and for all. Uranus wants no part of it anymore, but look for one last epic battle of wills. Jupiter has you worried about money, as it relates to others, the government, or children. After April 7th you will be very fortunate, again, with Jupiter once again moving forward in Lucky Leo. Let go of your FEARS, remembering fear is False Evidence APPEARING Real. Stop the worry, deal with WHAT IS. Neptune in your third of communications, transportation and thought is squaring Saturn, about to retrograde in your 12th house of the subconscious. Spirituality is prime, and you are learning about faith.


January 20th to February 18th

AQUARIUS: Aquarians, internal fears are strongly being challenged the week of March 10-16th, as the final direct square with Pluto happens, and epic battles can be had. Be careful to not keep your feelings in, as Capricorn in the 12th loves to play the martyr. You must EXPRESS, even if it means a fight, even if you don't "win", you cannot stay bottled up. Do not be afraid of emotions, they will set you free. Jupiter retrograde in your house of relationships, and the parent with the same gender as your love interests means you are feeling disconnected from your partner, or that parent. It can also mean you are not feeling loved, universally, or in personal relationships. This feeling may be stronger with the Pluto/Uranus transit affecting your subconscious. If you are feeling lost, don't hesitate to talk to someone. You don't want to go through this alone, and there are professionals anxious to help you. Remember, ALL THINGS ARE TRANSIENT, EVEN PAIN.


February 18th to March 20th

PISCES: Pisceans Your challenges are manyfold now. Mercury in your 12th of subconscious have you feeling right proud of your psychic ability, Neptune in your first house of self, and ego, has you feeling tired, and dreamy. You may have a hard time focusing, and the Sun in Pisces is accenting this. Happy Birthday, though! Aries in your house of money, possessions and self-worth bring all those issues up, and the week of March 10-17th is a very strong week of upheaval and battle over money for you. You need to stand up for your worth, and this is when it is likely to happen, as these energies are argumentative, and not willing to sit there and look pretty anymore. Time to change up that dogma and fear you have with professional peers, and around money from career. You are worth every cent and more! Jupiter has you feeling disconnected from others at work. This will ease up after April 7th as Jupiter moves direct, and you will have the strength to do something about it, as there will be a fire trine with Saturn, Uranus/Mars and Jupiter. Move towards autonomy, self-worth, and fortune!

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