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Charm is Readying for the Hollowdays

The year flew by, do you feel it? Since our favorite colors here at Charm Hollow are red and blue, you will be seeing those this holiday season. Not to rush anything, but here at the Charm Hollow the weather has not been cooperating with the seasons. Therefore, we are trying to "fake it '

til you make it", so we are decorating for the Christmas holiday before Thanksgiving. As Shelley coined it "Hallowthanksmas". Feeling a strong push to do as much as possible before Thanksgiving, Shelley is furiously decorating, pulling out dead okra from Charm's Garden, and catching up on some illustration. Here's an example ~

The Hollow is not, finally, starting to feel cozy. Tea on the stove, fall leaves on the ground, and a bit of a nip in the air. Snickerdoodles are sitting in the kitchen, waiting for children, and some hungry parents, to enjoy. With that, we at Charm Hollow wish you the sweetest Thanksgiving and safe travels for those visiting family far away!


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