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A Week of Shifts

This is a strong week of shift. To list the changes, starting Monday (2/16), Moon moves into the sign of Aquarius, Tuesday (2/17) is Mardi Gras, Wednesday (2/18) is a biggie, we have a New Moon in the final degree of Aquarius, right after the Moon moves into Pisces, followed 3 minutes later by the Sun's move into Pisces. Thursday the 19th, Mars enters Aries, Friday Venus enters Aries, folowed in 3 hours by the Moon's move into Aries, and Saturday Venus and Mars get cozy at the same degree of Aries, 00°.

So, now for the breakdown. Monday, Moon's move into Aquarius is a head's up for inclement weather, and issues surrounding detaching, and the mother figure. New Moon at the last degree of Aquarius is a wrapping up of old stories, a shift in consciousness, and self-awareness around the mother (Moon). Where are you needing to let go of the old thought patterns? Look to where Aquarius is in your chart. New Moons are, also, about planting new seeds, so, with the shift of the Moon into Pisces, it is a good time for planting seeds of our life dreams. We are connected to them strongly. This is a New Moon of releasement, old out, and new in, and potentially, new from the old, as Pisces loves to take us back to the past, past loves, past feelings, past friends.

Right after, I mean right after, Moon moves into Pisces at 6:47pm ET/ 3:47 pm PT. That's when we lose our boundaries, and become absorbed with others and our desires. Three minutes after Moon says hello to Pisces, the Sun lights up the sign.This may bring the strong desire to hole up in our safe places, but only for a day, as Mars - planet of action- says adios to Pisces, and is reborn into Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, and fire sign. With Sun in Pisces, and Mars ingress into Aries, followed by Venus' ingress the next day, we have an intense energy of taking action on our dreams. This is the "take action, then think" energy. Mars enters Aries at 7:11 pm ET/ 4:11 pm PT, calling attention to itself, as he trines Saturn, and enters the same element as retrograde Jupiter. This planetary photograph is the birthchart of the Chinese Year of the Sheep on Thursday, February 19th.

Fire energy, that of burning it to prepare for a new incarnation, is intensified by Venus, goddess of Love, entering Aries means, along with Mars, she has the wherewithall to make her desires happen. She doesn't ask for permission anymore. When the Moon enters Aries on Friday, you can bank on there being acting out on all the pent up emotional energy of the last few weeks. On Saturday night at 9:13pm ET/ 6:13 pm PT we will have Venus at the same exact degree of Mars, sparks will fly. Look for action, passion and assertation of inner desires. Police action will likely be higher, as Aries rules the police, fires can burn, as Aries is a fire sign, and also rules firefighters.

So this is a highly charged, excitable week. After all is said and done, know that nothing lasts forever. xo

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