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Tilikum's Dream in Pre-Order

Many of you may not know that I have been working on illustrating a children's book at the end of 2014. The book was written by my friend Tracey Coryell. She is an accomplished musician and children's book author. Tracey tells the story of the beautiful orca, Tilikum. He was born in the beautiful northern Atlantic waters. This is a story of his dreams for being freed from captivity.

As I illustrated the book, I discovered the fun of videotaping the progress. I haven't been able to post these time-lapsed videos until the book is published. As the release date in April gets closer, I will post the videos of making the artwork. I hope you will join me in my excitement over the release of this timely book. Any animal lover, lover of music and art, will be thrilled to have this book in their collection. I am happy to share the pre-order button link with all of you.

Congratulations to Tracey Coryell for her accomplisment in getting this published, and a big THANK YOU to her for giving me this amazing opportunity!

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