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Redesign of All My Sites

Hi. It seems like I've written my first blog countless times. So this is countless time +1. All my sites, housed on a single host, were corrupted. Mercury is retrograde, now, in Aquarius. You would think I could have seen this coming, but it is retrograde in Aquarius, the unexpected, so I guess no. Ya. This helps me rethink, a lovely activity for Mercury Rx, all of my web presence. I have decided to combine as much as I can into one site. I am re-branding, again, to my name Shelley Marie.

I will be posting videos of my art, illustrations, and astrology to Because my image will be everywhere then, I found it the best decision to go by my first 2 names. I am a Virgo, after all (hermit), by nature, with my Saturn (life purpose/career) in Pisces (hidden) in the 4th house (home). So, yes, I am holed up in my home, cocooning, trying to cope with my Venus in Leo (love of spotlight) at the midheaven of my chart (more attention).

I hope this will be the definitive place for me to come, along with Tumblr, as Facebook is getting phased out as much as I can, due to restrictive business practices in 2015. Tumblr and YouTube seem to be the places which support entrepreneurs and independent sorts, such as myself. But you can always come by my site to connect!

That all being said, I will be spending the next month adding to this site, and getting all my .coms redirected to links here. As much as I love Wordpress, I am not a great net security person, being a Mac person, I have had precious few viruses, knock wood. I must say, I am enjoying writing this, so maybe I will do more blogging, along with my vlogging endeavors.

Thanks for bearing with me!

Birdy Girl
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