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Art in the Time of Corona

As an astrologer, the beginning of 2020 was marked by a cluster of planets and "lights" (the Sun and Moon) in the sign of Capricorn. This happened on January 12 and 13th, and marked a significant time of consciousness shift, as did the transit of Saturn into the sign of Aquarius on March 21. As an astrologer, I understand how events culminate during astrological shifts and events, as an artist, I am energized by dedicated time to my art. I have been giving a tremendous amount of time to my sketchbook, and posting on social media. The following are just a few examples of my plethora of creativity.

home illustration

Sun Moon Stars

Sun Neptune and Star

Let the Sun Shine In


Honestly... I am not very stressed, other than what my newly college-aged daughter feels. I embrace the time to explore the art, astrology, and business endeavors I have wanted to for a while now. I see this as a gift, other than the extreme heartache others are feeling over loss. I have been putting my art first, and taking a lot of self-care. This includes walks as exercise, and catching up on movies.

I do look forward to a time when things move forward again, as I have had a number of great business opportunities just before all this broke. I anticipate it dragging on (and off) through the summer, and into the autumn. I have been baking with my daughter. We baked meringue cookies today. They are cooling as I type this.

Tools of the Trade

I have been enjoying painting in a sketchbook, something I rarely did until this past year. It is a restricted medium. I don't currently have access to my gouaches... I will look better, maybe they will pop up. Gouache is a great medium, with the exception of the fact that it is like chalk upon drying. Not my favorite texture to touch. I have been really enjoying the learning process of mixed media with watercolor as a base, and colored pencil on top, to make the colors pop. My watecolors are cheap, so the color isn't as vibrant. I usually use Derwent Inktense pencils, but I bought some new Crayola colored pencils which are great. I paint the watercolor, then go back over with the colored pencils, which is great, it also adds texture to the painting. More layers, even better!

I tend to favor cartoonish, or whimsical illustrations... usually involving animals of some sort. Birds are, also, a favorite. For more entertainment, we have been going for car rides. I really like going back to my old stomping grounds in the country in east Orlando. So beautiful, and inspirational. Here is hoping you all are staying home, safe, healthy, and your family and friends are well. Keep creating. Share with me on Instagram. @artfulshelley, or #artfulshelley to tag me!

If you are interested in downloading the "Home" coloring page, you can find it on my Etsy page here.

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