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Butterfly Transformation

Transformation. We are all feeling it. Some of us in more physical ways, i.e. fires, floods, hurricanes. But somewhere in our worlds, we are transforming. It hurts, if we resist. If we look at these times as the answer to our prayers for something better. We can better process the difficulties if we see them as a way for us to get to where we prefer to be. When it hits us in a harder way, it means we are moving to a better place faster. The contrast is greater. When we are in it, it doesn't necessarily feel like a positive. In retrospect, it absolutely is. We let go, we shift, and we give up, These things we hold on to can bring us down. When we want to be in a better space, or place, the old way has to leave. The more we hold on to the old, the more we can suffer.

This is where I am at today. On my birthday, September 10th, the Universe saw its way clear to bring me the gift of Hurricane Irma. After 9 days without power, I arrived home to no water. This pushed me to the edge of patience with my landlord. They continued to point fingers at me for the state of the water, and insisted it was "the country" and they have different standards here. I told them I was moving. This is something I've wanted for months, but I didn't want to just move out, I wanted to move to the West. I gave notice, and explained I couldn't live with subpar water. They didn't want me to leave, so they swore they would fix it. It is currently at the same level as it was before the hurricane. . . after having been through the brown phase. It is still a little rusty, but hopefully that will change with a chlorinator they promised to install. My daughter didn't want to move, and I committed to her staying through graduation, around a year and a half.

On a more positive note, this all has reinforced my determination to express myself more through my art. I am in the process of increasing my video output on, blogging, and my Etsy shop will be getting lots of new art and jewelry. I have been creating typefaces like crazy. I have a cute new one I am going to create new font additions, like &, +, *, etc. to enhance it for the market. I am infused with a new drive to make all my artistic interests thrive. So this is the other side of heartache. I am learning, slowly, that my deep, dark feelings don't have to stay around. I can consciously move to a more positive place. That in turn will bring me more of what I want in my life. I hope you can find that positive space as well. As I always say,

Be well, Dotties,

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