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Life and the World is Changing Before Us

Before Garden Growth
After Garden Growth

SEPTEMBER 3, 2017-

The summer has gone (mostly) by. As I am typing, I am one week away from my birthday, again. How?! The farm has gone through shifts and changes. The summer started out with the purchase of a new trampoline, and the garden was planted. As the long, hot, did I mention hot? summer moved along, the garden got neglected, due to the oppressive Florida heat. Now I look at it every time I leave, and really want to weed. The summer plethora of rains have fed the weeds as well as the plants. Unfortunately, the veggies did not thrive like planned. I got a grand total of one (1) zucchini! It was a beautiful, pear-shaped, deep green zucchini. But the bees disappeared. My landlady told me one of the hives in the back of the property left. I guess they weren't able to thrive here. That is disheartening, but it is a reflection of the change going on all summer.

My daughter and I had a nice summer together, with trips to Disney Springs, and Starbucks. I helped my son move back from his first year of college. He was very excited to get back there, as he now has the life he wanted during high school. He is blooming, and the center of a great group of friends. As for me, I have focused on my art and astrology. As the summer progressed, it was very clear that my world was changing, and as I sit here typing, I see most things I put my attention and love into has shifted. I am seeing a closing of the door on friendships, clients, beliefs and structure. This doesn't, much, surprise me, as an astrologer I understand cycles of life and time. We are moving, collectively, into a new vibration. The old, hierarchical structures of the past no longer seem to work. It is challenging up to be more aware of our internal voices, our vision for the rest of our lives, and clear the clutter, which no longer works, out of our worlds.

As for my home, I have gotten the message that it is necessary to clutter-clear. I keep setting out to do it, but the Mercury retrograde affected me to the contrary. As Mercury shifts direct this week, I see a whole new belief system moving into play, and I always feel the shift a few days early. While I had 2 significant conflicts this week, and removal of a support system, I still feel optimistic for the future. Ask me again at the end of the month! I will clean today, and decide whether to just throw, save, or box. Mine and everyone else's world is changing, and will be even more profound in the coming months. We are being show the way, if we just listen to the internal voice, and drive, giving us the direction. It isn't always possible to see the clear path, but that is where FAITH comes in. A word that is a struggle for those who strongly buy into the belief that results are a direct reflection of a one-to-one relationship with actions. We are seeing that this may not be the case currently. Efforts seem to result in the opposite of what was expected. Systems and structures are shifting, and the Universe is strongly guiding us to our better road. We need to have FAITH that it will drop us in the middle of the divinely correct place.

Best wishes to you all in this time of upheaval and change, it is up to us to get comfortable with that idea, as it is here to stay.


If you are interested in seeing more of my work, you may check out my YouTube channel, and Instagram (artfulshelley). I post every day there, and on Facebook, for astrology. My astrological web site is

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