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New Horizons

Life on the farm is ever changing. Molly and Niño, the bull, have been moOoved to the big farm, two houses down, so Molly can give birth. Two little black year old calves were here, behind the house, but they disappeared, too. My landlady, Cindy, said the chickens are not producing as many eggs, because of the lesser daylight. Cupid, the cat, is ever present. He sneaks in the house whenever he can. The Christmas lights are really pretty around this corner. The kids are home for the holidays, and doing their own thing. It is great to see them get bolder, and develop deep friendships. The last few years were hard, one wounded, one shy. Now they are both coming into their own, and it is heartwarming.

I have been working on my candle line, and other projects related to my astrology practice. I need to create, and moreso, paint. I am teaching art a the local Michaels art store. As the new year comes, that should take more time, something I welcome, as it gets me painting! The holidays are wonderful, as we had a cold snap, and lots of parties, shopping, and family. Just the way they should be.

As 2016 winds down, I am winding up. Being an artist, I am reevaluating what I need to do to keep my business growing. My business is, actually, multiple businesses: art, murals, illustration, publishing, graphic design, and more. Those just give a profession title to my skills. I have an insatiable curiosity about aesthetics, design and art. To focus those, I have decided to focus more on the online and real world retail community. Getting my studio reworked for better sales and creativity is the first order of business.

Like most in this techno age, I am distracted by the very modality that helps me promote. So the coming year will see me more mindful of the big 5 timewasters, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter,

Herbs and strawberries for the garden.

Instagram and Pinterest. Instead, I am vowing to get to know them better, and use them to my better advantage. I, already, am pretty familiar with getting around, but have been doing ad research, and there is SO much more! It makes me wonder how I am supposed to create art and products if I need to spend so much time keeping my finger on the SEO pulse. If I can ramp up, maybe I will hand it off to others who can do the skeleton, and I can just post. Note to self.

I wish you, your friends and family a very beautiful holiday, whichever one you celebrate (or not). Let's look at our blessings as we end 2016, and stay in solid vibration with our happiness, and a positive outlook as we head into the unknown in 2017. xo

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