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Suburban Living to Rural Living

It wasn't a particularly easy move to the new homestead. Only one man showed up from the moving company. When more did, one was drunk, and eventually, we called the police to encourage him to leave. What was one day stretched into two, and the first man took his frustration out on my furniture. I will sage.

But now that I am left alone with my boxes, and art, I will unpack, and PURGE. Moving is a great time for paring down your consumerism finds. It isn't easy, though. I noticed I have a fundamental nature which dictates to me that "that item might be needed in the future", so I find a place to save it. I have to override that small voice, and ask myself it I have needed it so far, and how often. I am proud of how much I am compiling to sell or give away. Every little bit helps.

I managed to put up some artwork, which helps clear my studio space. I am hoping it adds character, and not a cluttered look.

I will continue to share my efforts as my house gets more in order. I am doing time-lapsed videos of unpacking. That's a lot of new favorite photographic medium. What I affectionately deem "Charm Hollow Cottage" is on 5 acres of land, One, which the house sets on, and 4 fenced off for cattle grazing for the other property the owner has, two houses down, Dakota Farms. My house was recently a green grocer. If you aren't familiar with that, it is a local market which has fresh veggies and fruits. They, also, have organic chicken and beef, eggs

and milk. My studio used to house the giant refrigeration unit for the dairy, and a couple smaller ones for the meats. Where my tv/computer screen is now was a table with honey and local natural products.

I put a sign on the front door, as I am still having people stop by on weekends, thinking it is a store. I politely tell them it is a residence now. They are disappointed, but one lady asked if she could show her child around. I said yes, as I was showing mine around...he is 17. The cows weren't in the pasture that day, so it was a bit of a disappoinment.

I am adjusting, and looking forward to planting the front garden with herbs and flowers. This property hasn't been rented out in over a year, so it needs a little TLC and pressure washing (an new toilets!). But, it is an adventure, and one I never thought I would have.

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