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Feng Shui Fix

Shelley Overton

Hi, friends. Feng shui is a practice I have been interested in since it became big in America...I learned about it in the 1990s, but claims it became popular after Nixon came back from his trip to China in 1972. This could be true, but I never lived in Washington, D.C. or California, the two places I feel it would have become big, . But I digress. I came across feng shui in 1997, Denver. Colorado, yes. I am always fascinated by anything other worldly. To me, energy is fascinating, as it pertains to day-to-day practice. So in the course of the last 25 years, hard to believe it's been that long, I have studied multiple books on the subject. Over the years, and many homes later, I have come to realize a particular niche in feng shui fixes doesn't really exist. At least, it doesn't exist in the mass-marketed, or décor aesthetic sense. So I have decided to create the solution myself.

The problem: house address numbers which add up to a problem in cooperation with the home residents. For example, if a house's address is 140, 1+4+0= 5. Five, in numerology, means the unexpected, changes, and being ruled by Mercury...unattached. Being a Virgo, and a numerological 6, a 5 house won't completely support my energy of sensitivity, and romance. My current house number adds up to a respectable 8, which, from experience, has been a rough money number for me. Eight is the number of structure, and money. It is represented by Saturn in astrology. If you know about Saturn, you know it is a disciplinarian and taskmaster. This is my interaction with the number 8. It works well for my disciplinarian and rule-follower, Cancerian mother, but not me.

What you need to do is total your life path number with the house number. In my case, it is 6+11=17>1+7=8. Difficult to get a handle on finances. Back when I found out you could put the number 8 in your wallet, I did by using a piece of paper with an 8 written on it. It didn't turn out well. It was harsh. I read you can switch to a 4, which is a more mild number of fortune, so I did. (Interestingly, it is 14:44 on the desktop clock. I will take that as a sign from the angels.) That being said, I am created the number 2, which brings my address up to a number 10, bringing the house number to a 1, good for self. Two on the back of my room door is for couples.

 Feng shui fix
Number 2 feng shui house number fix

House number two added to my life path number is a total of seven. Here is the definition:

According to numerology, the number 7 symbolises (sic) completeness and perfection. In some

cultures, this number represents an ascent and obstacle-free life. As an early prime number in

the series of positive integers, the number seven has been associated with a great deal of

symbolism in religion, mythology and philosophy, which makes it all the more special.*

This makes me happy. Will give you an update in a couple months. Meanwhile, here is a video I did on the process for the number three.

Leave a comment. Thanks for indulging me. Have a great week!



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