Feng Shui Fix
Hi, friends. Feng shui is a practice I have been interested in since it became big in America...I learned about it in the 1990s, but...

New Art for Spring
I hear a lot of people have a favorite season...Autumn. Not me. I love Spring. Why? Because it heralds in the astrological new year,...

November - Art by Shelley Overton
Here we are, Halloween on the horizon. I am constantly amazed at how strong the creative drive is right now. Since lockdown a year and a...

Art Blast for May 2021
Hello! So good to be with you here. If you are new to the blog, my name is Shelley Overton. I am an artist in central Florida. One of the...

Prolific Pandemic
It is a misconception to think that a web site is a "one and done" affair. I think we all would love to create a static web site, then...