Is It Getting Worse? How Current Times Are Reflecting Astrology
Lately, it seems everyone believes things are getting worse. I can see why. Even those I am around seem to be clinging more to ideas rooted in familiarity and validation from the past. Not everything is sincere and true, and yet, we grasp for what we think may be a solution. In a way, it is not only not surprising, but fully predicted. Pluto retrograde in Capricorn. Six years of discussing this on my podcasts, Pluto is great life change, the psychological giant of the zodiac. Capricorn roots into government, laws, rules, structures and the body. The retrograde motion gives us all a chance to review where we are in our lives, dogma, beliefs and how they express out into the world, into our bodies. We see a challenge to our laws and rules. We are looking at our careers, are we where we truly want to be?

It may feel like it is getting worse, but in an astrological view, we are seeing the karmic goo coming up to be dealt with. Saturn, the ruling planet of Capricorn, is the king of karma. He shows us the direct cause and effect of our beliefs, and what can come from them. A mindset of doubling down on our "way" of doing things can bring suffering we don't even conceive of. The truth of what we are experiencing is multidimensional. We, as a collective, are learning about our governments, all over the world. We are seeing how we have given away our power to the "authority". We put someone in office, and turn back to our daily lives. This energy shows us, through how uncomfortable we are, just where we need to shift beliefs. As a Buddhist for 35 years, I know there is no "out there", it is ALL a reflection of our inner selves. So when we see things we cannot fathom in our daily world, we have to look within. If you don't have a belief system, this can be misconstrued. "Looking within" isn't some void of ideas. We are exposed to others telling us we need to be listening to someone else outside of us. That will shut down your inner voice quickly. You will always be looking for the "authority figure" to tell you how to think, what to believe. What happens when you get into your later years, and you are now the "authority"? Will you know what to do? What if you subscribe to that way of thinking? You are going to be rudely awakened come 2023 when Pluto moves into Aquarius. Aquarius is the sign of automony. Personal authority.

When Pluto takes his insight into the clear-minded Aquarian airspace, you will see clearer. You will, also, be presented your path to the future. The path looks like people not taking the b.s. others hand them. They point out lies. They awaken to their own voices. That may look to you like they are being "difficult". They aren't doing what you deem the right thing. They are following their internal drives. That is what is supposed to happen. We are all on the precipice of collective change. We are not going to repeat old patterns, though we feel we are. We are moving through an area of the sky we are familiar with, and the Universe is asking us if we truly want to repeat the mistakes of our past. If we say "hell, ya!", suffering will ensue. If you say "not on your life", you will see another path open up. The key is to take ownership of the storyline of your own life. You don't need to own everyone else's stuff anymore, just yours.
Are you feeling "different"? Maybe you don't have a connection to friends you used to, or family? You have lost enthusiasm for the career you have? That's fine. That's common. The Great Resignation is part and parcel of this incredible collective shift. You can't argue that that alone is evidence of something big. In the day to day perceptions of what we are going through, on the surface, it looks familiar. If we dig deeper, it is a moment in time we are given the chance to review what we want our lives to be. The good news is we will be guided to our new destiny. We need to acknowledge the opportunities when they are presented. Try saying "yes" more than "no". The power of Aquarius is awareness. We are excited for the possibilities. Science takes off to heights not ever imagined. Yes, Pluto has been in Aquarius before, just after the American Revolution, but never with this much ability to scientifically move our innovations forward. Awareness of the superconnectivity of humans to one another increases, and will continue to long after Pluto moves into Pisces in 2046.
We are on the precipice of another world. While it is an amazing time of growth, and innovation, we still have to learn from the dark side (Pluto) of Aquarius. Intellectual arrogance, and not asking for help when it would ultimately help us can prove to be our lessons. Mental (emotional!) health is a topic Aquarius rules. We are coming into a time where we will need to reconcile our external biases with our internal center. Astrology is a topic defined by Aquarius. Astrology will potentially, finally, be seen a credible in society. Some cultures already recognize the powerful knowledge and tool of astrology.
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