2025- Long Time
Hello, again. It has been a long time since we connected. A lot has changed. I am in an apartment in the middle of Orlando. I am enjoying it greatly, though I do look forward to getting my own home this year.
2025 is shaping up to be a wild ride, and yes, astrologers know this was to be the case. We have a tremendous amount of energy being thrown into the end of cycles and beginning of a new one. Pisces energy is strong, still, with Neptune at end degrees, giving us our intuition, and asking us to rise to the "woke"ness. It will be moving into Aries soon, and with a retrograde back into Pisces, will be a deeply emotional release of ideas, visions, and people. More on that later. Saturn is still in Pisces, also insisting we pay attention to our true desires. Think of Pisces as a more intense version of Venusian energy. Artistic, inventive, and visionary. This is the wise sage of the zodiac, and Saturn is the structure. Saturn brings systems of vision, intentions around creation. As Saturn moves into Aries, along with the ruler of Pisces, Neptune, action cannot help but be taken. The drive becomes too strong to hold back.
If you want to hear more, here is one of the videos I posted for shifts. Still working on #3 at the moment. I am compelled to get this out soon, and touch base with you all again. Thank you for being around, and having patience. I have gone through a pretty intense growth cycle, as my natal Saturn is 00° Pisces. I have been overcoming the last vestiges of codependence, a strong Piscean influence.
So, I will post more when time permits, and I hope we all have a fruitful, conscious 2025.
~ Shelley
Orlando Intuitive Astrologer