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Emotional Times - Astrology

The news has been horrific recently. If you have been listening to my astrology podcasts, you might remember me mentioning the potential violence of Jupiter's influence in Aries. I, also, mentioned themes coming in around emergencies, racism, and education. When we immerse ourselves in the astrological transits, we connect events to these transits. Because this is why we use astrology, current times are screaming "what the heck is going on?!". What the heck is "going on" is there are planets moving from one sign to another, and in harsh aspects to each other. Case in point, Jupiter, planet of expansion, planet of action, and planet of spiritual growth, moved into Aries. Aries, a sign ruled by Mars, the god of war, will expand this energy. This energy, because it is at the very last degrees of Pisces, a watery, sentimental sign, transitioning into Aries at 00°, we feel like a weather front of intense tornadic activity, thunderstorms and lightning is transiting our lives.

This energy can bring us to a point of anger. Add to that, May 16th's Blood Moon, so called because it resembles blood on the Moon as it is eclipse by the Earth. The sign of Aries rules blood. With this particular lunar eclipse is also in the sign of Scorpio. Scorpio is ruled by Pluto, another warrior and passionate planet. As we see these transits, we are in the eye of the storm. This is the energy which brings feelings up, deep, intense feelings. The kind of feelings which push us to make changes, or feel like giving up. With Pluto now retrograde in Capricorn, we have incidents which bring out our deep psychological feelings around events in our Capricorn houses. This is the career, life purpose, structural area of our lives. The transits of the planets at this time are putting our status quo in the crosshairs. We cannot escape the pressures of the old way of doing things, as the beginning of the retrograde season is upon us. Retrogrades not only give us the opportunity to revisit and review what has just passed, but a chance to alter our views. Usually, we are able to use the area the planet transited in direct motion (normal movement forward in degrees) and contrast them with what we have experienced in the past. As we are now able to compare where we have headed with where we came from, we are in the end process of altering our psychology. We are taking hits to our paradigms, our constructs. Being here is a tremendous pressure at a moment in time. I say "moment" because time is never ending, and extensive.

Society feels ready to burst. The passion of Pluto at breaking point, retrograde transition, is in stress aspect, by sign - not degree, to the Aries energy. New Aries energy, 5° or less, brings forth an excitable, forthright energy. We feel like acting, not the passive energy we have become accustomed to with Pisces' Jupiter. It is jarring, at least. When the planets pull their energy back, and also face a planet transit through an inconjunct sign, society faces the repercussions. We see violence, irritation, even fighting for turf in the form of traffic, lines at the grocery store, and other lower ego energies.

Saturn is a planet which insists we act and talk by the rules. Currently, Saturn's transit through Aquarius challenges these mores. Aquarius, being the sign after Capricorn, Saturn's home turf, contrasts the current energy Saturn has to deal with through March 7th, 2023, when he ingresses into Pisces. Where Saturn is currently, 24° Aquarius, is currently in square, or hard aspect of 90° to its own ruler, Uranus, in Taurus. Taurus, an earth sign, by nature, acts slowly, taking time to fully get on board with decisions to make. This is a stress aspect which will challenge our need for time to think things over. We want time to integrate what is going on, but the earth energies here (Capricorn and Taurus) are being challenged by Aquarius, and his ruler Uranus. They want things to go more quickly. So we have one foot on the gas, one on the brakes. And both are wearing a hole in the floor. We see these energies in the arenas of love and money.

So, it isn't an easy time. We are caught in the crosshairs of change. A good case-in-point is the Johnny Depp/Amber Heard Defamation Trial. Checking in on it daily, initially, Depp seemed to be presenting a good case to the jury. As witnesses show up and give depositions, his integrity and image is being tarnished, possibly beyond repair. Was it worth it? Only time will tell. I should make note here that he is a Gemini, in a Gemini Mercury Retrograde, he is going through a Saturn in Aquarius return, and Pluto in the sign of his Moon in his legal house. He is, pretty much, living out his major Plutonian shift and second Saturn return in front of all the world. And it's not pretty. Looking at his chart, I can pretty much say he will need to change his drugging and drinking ways. Perhaps he should have kept his tattoo Winona Forever, and not changed it to Wino Forever. I have faith Pluto, and Saturn will shake his shoulders, and help him to care more for his life. We must move beyond our upbringings.

I recently heard a great quote,

It's "not your fault if you are 'f'ed up'. It's your fault if you stay 'f'ed up'."

~ Jen Sincero, author

With that thought, please know that we are all going through it. That doesn't necessarily mean we know how to change, or even what to change. If we know shift happens, and this isn't forever, maybe even has a beneficial lesson to learn, we can see a light at the end of the tunnel. With Pluto moving into Aquarius in March of 2023, we can expect to see a lightening of the intense emotional energy we have been experiencing the last few years. We will be learning more about personal power and the incredible potency of "letting go" and detachment.

If you are interested in getting a personal reading, please contact me at or schedule a reading here.


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