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The Astrology of Now: November 29- December 5, 2021

Shelley Overton

Currently, the Moon is in Libra. 18 degrees. This is the part of the sky where we settle into our views of relationships with others, we feel better connecting to others in our day-to-day tasks. The difference between Libra connection and Leo connection is Libra is much more analytical about the details of that relationship. Libra is an air sign which means it defaults to mental analysis of situations. Because it is ruled by Venus, we appreciate the analysis of relationship dynamic. The problem with Libra is it can be indecisive because it is used to saying every angle of a situation. So until Moon enters Scorpio, which is December 1st at 6:56 a.m. Eastern, we may have difficulty deciding between those two amazing people we've met.

Sun is in Sagittarius 1 degree off of Mercury, which means they are “combust” or joined. it is a very powerful energy of speaking your mind, telling people exactly what you think, exactly your truth, which could very well be The Truth, but that doesn't make it easier to stomach. This particular combination is in a fire sign, and one that represents musicians, athletes, and adventurers, as well as teachers. We are in alignment with taking action, strong action at this point. We need to stay on the go, and our minds are focused on other places in the world whether it's pleasure, politics, or spiritual growth.

Mars is in the sign of Scorpio in the last 10 degrees at 21 degrees. Mars is venturing into waters that can represent insincerity and fraud. Because Mars in Scorpio is a very dramatic placement, look for actions that are taken at this time to be quite dramatic, politically driven, and deeply psychological. Mars in Scorpio explorers values, as Pluto, Scorpio's ruler, is about value cut others. Values are dogmatic, but are also the principles we live on, and intuitive. Values can also be material value. In the sign of Scorpio, we explore possessions and goods that are jointly owned. This can also mean that something, such as a business, which is owned by two, may change form, or run into a sticking point moving forward with agreement between the partners.

Mars in Scorpio is currently squaring Jupiter in Aquarius. This set us up for a psychological battle of emotion versus freedom. Intellectual freedom and physical freedom are represented by Jupiter. Jupiter expands ideas, invention, sociology, technology, etc., in the sign of Aquarius. Usually our drive aligns to the sign Mars is in, which currently undermines Jupiter's forthright physical expression. Times like these, we see deep emotional intent come out in our lives as frustration because the broader sense of integrity is not necessarily falling in line with our viewpoint. Jupiter in Aquarius is rather idealistic, and quite contrary to the status quo. This energy puts us at odds with individual ideals. Higher education may very well see the broader end the game while others may be bogged down with legalities and lawsuits. An example of this could be the idea that everyone deserves the right to vote, while one side is drawing voting lines that favor their particular political position.

Venus is at 20 ° Capricorn, as she approaches Pluto, she is representing women, mothers, daughters, friends. Again, because the planet Pluto represents value to others, the first direct hit of Venus to Pluto shows us where women and their story of value in society is at. Venus will retrograde over the course of the next couple months and go direct again in the spring. ( She enters her introductory shadow at 11° 7’ of Capricorn, November 18th 2021. Venus retrogrades December 19th at 5:36 a.m. Eastern time, at 26°29’ of Capricorn. Finally, Venus goes direct on January 29th at 3:46 a.m. Eastern at 11°07’ Capricorn, Followed by her exit shadow period in Capricorn through March 2, 2022.) I will give a brief view of what this means, but we will discuss it on my weekly podcast during a few of those aforementioned events. You can find the link HERE.

Venus, as I've said, represents women and as she joins up with Pluto, we re-evaluate the deeper psychological meaning of our place in society, or value as women, and how men value women. This includes fathers, husbands, brothers, sons, friends, co-workers. Do we see them as people, or do we see them as someone to make our dreams real? Are women to be valued specifically, and only for their beauty, or do they have a deeper value within society? Does society value the intellect, the labor, mothers, and aesthetics that women bring to society? These are all under evaluation as Venus joins with Pluto. As Venus retrogrades back over, and away from Pluto, we re-evaluate what we thought we knew. We may see "flies in the ointment", as it were, and women who we look up to may be criticized for their stance on certain topics, they may be re-evaluated for their role in large-scale sex scandals, they may be criticized for their political positions in the public eye. It is a time where the psychology may rise up and slap down via the “traditional”, commonly held view points of women, and their “place” in society. These events will serve to show us a very clear mirror of our attitudes towards women. By the time Venus lose back direct for her final pass over Pluto, some of these questions and attitudes towards women will shift and change, will be see them for what they are, and growth will ensue. Where growth does not enter, look for other events to shift the story for women. It truly is a time of moving forward and growth, progress.

Saturn is at 8 ° of Aquarius, continuing his expansion of the system surrounding alternative currencies, sociology, the environment, climate change. Saturn's need for structure joins with aquarians need to be a humanitarian to bring our awareness to not only humanitarian issues, but, with a square to Uranus in Taurus, it challenges us to understand what direction growth needs to be in. Taurus is the sign of the green thumb, which can translate to both agriculture, plants as well as currency, “greenbacks”. The sign of Taurus is not a quick mover, and they do like to cogitate on anything that they have to make a decision on. This can be stressful for a Taurus, as Uranus wants to move quickly. Therefore, Uranus in the sign of Taurus is bringing information much quicker to the Taurus-influenced area of our charts.

Neptune at 20 ° of Pisces retrograde goes direct this weekend, December 1st, and that means that tremendous amounts of water in our world will shift. Thank of lakes, rivers, oceans, tears, bodily fluids, pipes in our houses, water in our vehicles. Any place there is an influence of liquid or water is going to be affected by this tremendous planet representing the god of the oceans.

I here the argument against astrology that the planets are so far away how could they possibly have an influence on us? To that I say, “ we are all energy”... meaning that everything in our world is comprised of energy, electrical, magnetic... We feel the pull of the bodies in the heavens... even those that are 91.669 million miles away, a.k.a. the Sun. To say that you are not daily affected by the Sun’s influence on the Earth, or the Moon’s influence on the tides is to ignore the influence of the natural world on our physical bodies. We may not be able to see Neptune clearly with our eyes, or the Moon when it is new on a cloudy day, but the hidden influence exists. Our psyches, and bodies, and the natural world are very aware of the influence. Women's menstrual cycles are affected by the Moon, weather is affected by Uranus, earthquakes and volcanoes feel the pull of Pluto. Therefore, how could we expect that our bodies, being so reliant on liquids, would be any different to the pull of Neptune?

Because of the collective agreement assigning energies from the planets (partly in the naming process, partly energetically through collective consciousness), we don't need to make a conscious decision to be influenced, it is something that happens naturally. Subconsciously, until we recognize it then... consciously. Ergo, Neptune will bring to our conscious awareness the energy of the oceans, the understanding of what is needed in ocean life, how oil affects animals in the deep, and even our hearts’ desires powered by the liquid blood moved by the magnetism of the planet Neptune.

The shift of Neptune can bring oil disasters, floods, changes of heart, and dreams to fruition. He is that influential, and we need to pay attention. This next full week will be an intense one, and can be deeply emotional as Neptune rules the sign of Pisces and all that is psychic, intuitive, and dreamy. We move away from Neptune retrograde, which can act more like an earth sign, a particular one that points out our flaws, and refuses to give a pass to uncomfortable events or people. We move towards Universal love, agape love. We need both sides of Neptune, the universally loving and accepting energy, as well as the perspective we get in retrograde that can help us to grow and learn through awareness.

If you liked this article, please do listen to my podcast... I do it weekly, and have for 11 years, now both in audio on Soundcloud and iTunes, AmazonMusic, and video on YouTube.

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Have a safe and peaceful week,

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