Shelley Overton | Angelic Zodiac

Oct 3, 202013 min

Making It to the End of the Year

Updated: Oct 16, 2020

OCTOBER 1-3 2020

This week begins with Saturn Direct leftover from the 29th, and a full Moon on Thursday October 1st! Powerful combination as we are now able to move forward with career and structure, as well as light up the sky with fiery Aries energy from the full Moon. Look out for passions sparking, anger expressions, possible frustrations, but definite ambitiousness. What was slow, and even painfully restrictive, is now moving forward. Because a full Moon is particularly bright this time of year, we are even more frisky or looking at others through assertive masculine eyes. Even women. Venus enters Virgo on Friday, October 2nd at 4:48 p.m. Eastern. This means her energy moves away from fiery Leo and the ability to express in hyperbolic terms what she wants to say. She gets more subtle, lowkey, even enigmatic. This comes out in our relationships as you may have to work a little bit harder to prove you have good manners with your Virgo girl. Virgo men are more sensitive as well. Teachers are affected under this energy, parents, workers or people in service Industries, and those in the military. A lovely Moon in Taurus on Saturday the 3rd is a great day for getting close to nature, going for walks outside, or harvesting your garden.

OCTOBER 4-10 2020

Tuesday through Thursday we have the Moon in Gemini, which means we have two of everything, or two situations coming our way. Gemini is the sign of the Twins, and in love it can mean that your partner is not true to you, or particularly faithful. The rather fickle energy of Gemini in love expresses through flirtation and friendliness. We are building towards the Mercury, ruling planet of Gemini, opposing Uranus in Taurus on Wednesday around 5 p.m. Eastern. This particular aspect is a very stressful aspect for travel, usually short distance, education, understanding, Communications, transportation, and particularly machinery of a small nature such as appliances in the kitchen, and technology such as phones and computers working properly. The energy of Uranus is much more influential on a broad scale. So the two of these planets in opposition affect tech this week, and potentially, even longer. It perfects on Wednesday, at peak opposition. We will feel like we can't get our thoughts out properly, people are misunderstanding, contracts can go wonky, be extremely careful in transportation as this is a contentious energy for driving and transportation. If you can put off major changes in your technological arena, such as new computers or phones, it would be best to wait until after this energy passes. As far as relationships are concerned, this is a fickle energy, and likely misunderstandings, will occur. To add to this, Friday is also difficult with Mars in square to Pluto, which is a rather strong war aspect. We are ready for a fight, and not willing to concede. Best to put off dates for another weekend.

OCTOBER 11-17 2020

This week brings a wonderful cooperative energy. Women feel like they can speak, so conversations are great, it is a good day on Monday. Tuesday brings Mercury retrograde. His influence means that, of course, depth of understanding is there but can be confusing. Passions run deep, willingness to end a situation, intellectually anyway, arises. The truth will not win out until after Mercury goes direct on Election Day, November 3rd. Know that whatever issues come up or have been around for a couple weeks will be the same until after Mercury retrograde’s shadow ends on the 20th of November. Solutions will be found after November 3rd. Because Mercury is in Scorpio, partners will want to talk about more intense, philosophical issues. This is not a time for chitchat. People are interested in deeper meanings to things. If you are in a long-term relationship, you may have some stressors by Thursday with the Sun at odds to Pluto. New Moon in Libra on Friday gives opportunities for balance, but is immediately followed by a Moon in Scorpio. While this is the time of the year for relationship issues to intensify, balance and commitment are definitely part of the scenario. It is best to be patient, and let things ride out if you are seriously committed. If this relationship is not forever, it will be apparent by the end of the year.

OCTOBER 18-24 2020

Monday starts out with an early early morning square between Mars and Jupiter. The results of this is a battle for freedom and control over independence. Mars will throw a tantrum, Jupiter will just leave. Venus and Jupiter are in positive aspects early in the morning, influencing the day from a position of seeking understanding. Educational matters may arise, but if it is a fractious energy initially, it is ultimately for the good of everyone. On Thursday, Sun enters Scorpio at 7 p.m. Eastern. Again, this intensifies the ego attachment to solutions and commitments. A person with strong Scorpio in their chart will have the best intentions in the relationship, unless it is the last few degrees of the sign. Those born the 15th through the 21st of November are more likely to be self-interested with the mystery and covert information they hold close to their chests. With a Moon in Aquarius on Friday and throughout the weekend, a square to the Sun brings battles between attachment and detachment. Both people in the relationship can experience both feelings. It is a time for introspection and distractions. Aquarius influenced people do well with science-y adventures, anything that will enhance their curiosity, and Scorpio influenced people dig deep and watch emotional, relationship films or spooky scary stories getting ready for Halloween next week.

OCTOBER 25-31 2020

Halloween week starts off with the dreamy, floaty feeling of the Moon in Pisces. The first couple days are very creative, and artistic. It is a good time for making dreams come true and manifestations of desires. On Tuesday Mercury enters the Venusian-ruled sign of Libra, 9:33 p.m. Eastern, and 8 minutes later Venus also enters her own sign of Libra. This combination of Mercury and Venus in the same sign, in the same part of the sky, blurs the lines between how we think of love and what we desire of love. It is a fabulous time for balance, diplomacy, cooperation, beauty, love, increased opportunities around money-making activities. On Wednesday, the Moon moves from Pisces into Aries, which is an opposition energy to Libra. Even though it is an opposition, there is also a balancing of energies as they are on opposite sides, and each sign, Aries and Libra bring something different to the table. Aries is a masculine energy, Libra is a feminine energy. Aries is about drive and ambition and self-promotion, Libra is about cooperation and balance and receptivity. Masculine and feminine. Midweek brings the stress aspect of cardinal Aries Moon squaring (conflict with) Jupiter (freedom-loving) and Pluto (life-changing). Thursday Moon in Aries joins up with Aries’ ruler of Mars. This is a power-packed time that drives us towards our career and life goals. The weekend is, of course, Halloween. The biggest news for Halloween is that there is a second full Moon of the month, the blue Moon, in the sign of Taurus at 8 degrees. A wonderful harvesting energy, like the full Harvest Moon at the beginning of the month in Aries. Sun in Scorpio, Venus in Libra, Uranus in Taurus spread the love around, as we are lit up for some wonderful Interactions with others of all different personalities.

NOVEMBER 1-7 2020

This week begins on daylight savings time. Discussion of balance and cooperation is derailed by someone who has an agenda of control. Discussions may go on, but there will be someone in authority, a boss, derailing the content. Monday, November 2nd, brings a Moon in Gemini. With a positive aspect to Venus, this Moon can bring about multiple options in love. Look for lots of ideas, lots of connections, and lots of flirtation. Tuesday, November 3rd is Election Day. It proves to be a wild ride. Mercury has been retrograde for three weeks, and goes direct just after lunch time. This means a shift in direction, but it also means technology is suspect. Mercury rules the mail, transportation, communications, technology including phones and computers. Though the Moon in Gemini is in positive aspect to Mars in Aries, bringing in the new, she squares Neptune at dinner time. Not long after there are difficult aspects want us to own our own authority. There is a split decision, and likely lots of legal maneuvering. And it is only Tuesday. It is an unexpected, erratic wild ride. Of course, the rest of the week there will be discussions of Election Day, with Friday bringing in more contention to authority, restriction, and even potential breakups as Mercury squares Saturn. We have another warring aspect on Saturday. These next few months are particularly strong for friction amongst people. We are moving into a time of better cooperation, but the process is not easy. Look for self-interested tall tales on Sunday. This fallout could be significant.

NOVEMBER 8-14 2020

Sunday, November 8th is another day of friction as we desperately look to connect to others, but find that they are stifling our creative expression. Then, Monday, November 9th these men and women at odds once again as Venus in Libra opposes Mars in Aries. Feminine energy is a receptive energy, and wants cooperation, acknowledgement of emotions, while in Libra she is an intelligent girl. Intellectual and analytical, but mild and cooperative. Mars in Aries is looking for a fight and actually feels sexually stimulated by The increased blood flow of a good row. Mercury enters Scorpio on Tuesday November 10th, once again, the feelings run deep. We are looking to discuss our deep feelings, and get to the bottom of the problem so we can find a solution. This is a working energy with Moon in Virgo, as well. Look out for workaholism. We are very dedicated to the cause. By Wednesday, we may feel like the dream is dying, it isn't dying but it has suffered some setbacks. Jupiter joining Pluto is a significant energy of transformation. Jupiter is usually considered the planet of good fortune, but Pluto is the bringer of major life changes, not always pleasant. The combination can absolutely shift things forever. Look for death and rebirth, transformation and spiritual growth, or a move far away. This is the energy of exodus. One day after this intense energy hits us, Mars turns direct. the frustration of having to go back over past actions, or even a restriction of action releases on this day. This is actually a pretty positive energy for culminating movement, but positive growth as well. Saturday there is a new Moon at 23° Scorpio, A degree that brings an energy of distrust and dishonesty. Scorpio energy can bring the dark to light, so look for a reveal of information Saturday and Sunday.

NOVEMBER 15-21 2020

Sunday, November 15th with the day beginning on a new Moon at 12:07 a.m. in Scorpio can enhance drama, and what we are in the process of changing. Something that has been a thread through the last few weeks. With an 11 a.m. transition of the Moon into Sagittarius we feel a little lighter, and definitely ready for a major change. Venus and Pluto disagree by mid-afternoon, with Venus also at odds with Jupiter, meaning we are battling to have our desires met. With Pluto and Jupiter now direct along with Mars, This is a significant time for owning what we truly want to do in our lives, owning the way we take action, and standing up to those who would tell us we can't achieve what we want to achieve in our careers, and our life. This is truly a significant week for major change for the world, four different countries, and in our personal lives. Monday's Venus Square Jupiter is a strong shift and relationships, but keep in mind that if they don't survive if they weren't meant to be together. If they do, they were. If they don't survive, something better is coming along for you in the new year. Most cooperation happens on Wednesday, and Thursday finds us a little stressed out over career and the desires of a loved one not lining up. Saturday November 21st the Sun enters the sign of Sagittarius, generally a positive time of year. This is a particularly strong Sagittarius cycle with transformation at every corner. Spiritual growth hitting us smack between the eyes. On Saturday the 21st just moved into Scorpio, Sun moves into Sagittarius, and the Moon enters Pisces. These three signs are about deep desires, taking care of our own interests, while feeling the emotions of others all at the same time. This is an emphasis on deeper psychology and connectivity, while learning and moving forward.

NOVEMBER 22-28 2020

Watch out for accidents on Sunday, look for more intuitive abilities to connect with loved ones and read their mind on Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday are strong days of assertiveness and ambition. We are very much in connection with our desires, and willing to take action to make those things happen. We have a bit more moxie and willingness to fight on this Thanksgiving day. It would be best to channel those energies into sports, whether on TV or a friendly game of Toss Across, darts, football scrimmage. Get the masculine energy focused. It will save a lot of hurt feelings in the end. Friday is a good day for solutions, bosses, authority figures, creativity and ideas come to fruition. Saturday November 28th, good feelings can now come back and that sense of dreaminess and sleepiness might also come with it. Neptune loves to put on rose-colored glasses, look for issues around water, flooding and emotions.

NOVEMBER 28- Dec 5 2020

Sunday November 29th is a great day for creating something lasting. With a lunar eclipse and full Moon on Monday, at 8° Gemini, look for friendliness, chattiness, and multiple social opportunities to present themselves. Mercury is talking pleasantly with Saturn coming up with something you can create that might actually bring a great career shift. On Tuesday, Mercury enters the sign of Sagittarius. Sagittarius expresses best through physical activity. Thinking of taking action on a new house? Now is a great time to consider it. Also sports, music, travel, yoga classes or anything that expands your spiritual horizons is a wonderful thing in the next month. Look towards doing things in the middle and end of the week around the house. Serious considerations of moving arise on Friday, as well. Venus and Mars are not cooperative on Saturday, so there may be hurt feelings with a Leo Moon.

DECEMBER 6-12 2020

Sunday Begins the week with more friction between men and women, tech outages and upsets from them. Early this week we feel more sensitive emotionally, maybe more protective of our own time alone, and definitely a bit of a hermit. Watch sensitivity to feelings on Wednesday as well. Thursday has positive changes with love, we are sexy, active, and it is a great time to get away for a long weekend. With the Sun and Mars in cooperation and in fire signs, the drive to do things culminates. We get what we're looking for. We may feel deeply emotional with a Moon in Scorpio in positive aspect to Neptune in Pisces. Scorpios and Pisces will feel particularly sensitive, and even weepy.

DECEMBER 13-19 2020

On Sunday December 13th, look to feel a bit foggy and dreamy, which may lead to accidents if we're not careful. Flooding, chemical accidents, actions and words are at odds, but with a new Moon on Monday, and solar eclipse dot-dot-dot there is a new change coming in for the positive. Mercury and Mars both in fire signs make things happen, Venus and Jupiter are cooperative, Moon and Sun are cooperative, Moon and Mercury cooperative. This bodes well for a great start of the week. Things are moving in the right direction, maybe feeling like the first time all year. Chiron moves direct on Tuesday, with Venus and Saturn and positive cooperation culminating our desires for the future. Tuesday also sees Venus move into happy-go-lucky Sagittarius. She wants to travel, is not really interested in settling down, but is very open to whatever winds may blow. She truly is the vagabond. With Saturn moving into Aquarius on Wednesday and Jupiter moving in three days later on Saturday... this is the precursor energy of Aquarius and a new dawn. Saturn and Jupiter together are a powerhouse of movement, but can also feel restrictive to Sagittarians. It just means that now you have to put your money where your mouth is. But when you do, worlds are created.

DECEMBER 20-26 2020

Sunday the 20th Mercury moves into Capricorn. Mercury rules how we think, and talk, and in the sign of Capricorn he wants to be very literal, and very stoic. There will be no fooling around with words under this energy. We are taking to task if we are not exactly precise with how we express ourselves. On Monday the Sun moves into the same sign. Jupiter, and Capricorn's ruler of Saturn join up, also on Monday. This is a significant day in the year. While we have felt a tremendous amount of restriction of our bodies over the course of the Year, this Energy may feel like we are having more weight put on us spiritually. Sagittarius rules the spirit, along with Jupiter. Saturn wants us to refine and organize what we believe. In the sign of Aquarius, we are open to suggestions. Wrapping up 2020 energy of contention is Mars squaring Pluto and Moon squaring Pluto on the 23rd. While Pluto normally holds the upper hand, Moon and Mars drive us from our emotional Center, which speaks Pluto's language. This particular square can seem like a battle of wills, it will ultimately give birth to new solutions around race, the police, anything associated with fire, including fires, firearms, and firefighters. What we saw earlier in the year with race relations will actually make headway after this time.

On Christmas Eve the Moon is in Taurus. there is also a conjunction, or joining, with Uranus in Taurus. This combination means that there is a certain detachment from spending, and money... while more focused on traditional gift-giving, and shows of true romance and love. Mercury and Uranus in positive aspect on Christmas Day make this a particularly cold emotional energy. We are more in our heads on Christmas Day and a little less in our hearts. With Neptune influencing the Moon, there may be a breakthrough of emotional growth. Take it easy and slow down for this lovely holiday.

DECEMBER 27-31 2020

The final week of the year has a strong connection between the Sun and Uranus in Earth signs. Making it rather practical around money. We definitely have a Christmas gift-giving hangover, though I don't believe there will be as many gifts given this year. It has been a year of restriction, and financial difficulty. Part of where we are heading with the energy in astrology is towards a more balanced view of values and humanitarianism. Full Moon on the 29th in Cancer connects us, once again, to our collective family. with Saturn and Jupiter now in Aquarius, the Moon in Cancer seems like she isn't speaking the same language. Where we may feel the need for security around the Home, Jupiter and Saturn are looking to create something new, something that has never been seen before, something quantum. That is not a comfortable energy for Cancer. Cancer likes tradition. Wednesday we feel misaligned between how we take action on our desires, and what the greater vision is that we are hoping to achieve. In other words we want to move forward, but Neptune inclines us to chill out, and not stress so much. Picture a woman behind a boulder pushing, pushing, pushing and a large man on the other side with his hand at the top of the boulder holding her still, probably smoking a joint. Leadership is challenged on New Year's Eve with a square between the Moon and Uranus. This is truly a jumping off point for the new year, as transparency is on its way in, when it comes to leadership. The year ends, and the new year begins with a square between Moon in Leo and Uranus in Taurus. This means that the need for security associated with a leader is at odds with the collective need for security around finances and desires. 2022 will prove to be a roller coaster of a year, but I do believe there will be higher highs and more manageable lows. With that, see you in 2022!!!

©ShelleyOverton 2020
