Mars is now in Aries, Neptune is retrograde, and July is a continuation of our alternate reality. Let's start with Mars. Mars entered Aries at 9:45 pm on June 27th. He remains there until early January. Mars is action, and he rules the sign of Aries ... quintessential masculine energy, with even the glyph of Mars the same as the symbol for male ♂. When Mars, itself, transits our charts, we are more driven to take action. In his own sign, we double, or triple, the internal fire, and want to take action, NOW.
Wherever Aries falls in our chart, that's where we feel this the most. Our own Mars is triggered. If we have Mars in Cancer, as I do, there can be an awakening. With signs square (90°), opposite (180° - remember, the chart is a circle = 360°), or inconjunct (quincunx) 150° , and frequently trine (120°), we feel the energy as strife or friction. How it comes up is a matter of the interactions of the planets in the sky, and the ones in our charts. A competent astrologer can help figure it out, and walk you through it. This can portend emergencies, represent a male energy, including co-worker, brother, father, or male friend. With Mars entering his shadow period (July 26) ahead of his retrograde (September 8), we begin to feel an energy which stifles our actions then. A retrograde Mars means he slows his motion down gradually, until he moves retrograde. He is going over the degrees in the sky he will be retrograde over after September. He is initiating the experience he will go over 2 more times. This is the time to pay attention to all things Martian. To reiterate, males, aggression, ambition, action, drive, emergencies, sales, construction workers, martial arts, firefighters. This brings up the point of how Mars behaves in our environments.
Strong Mars transits is seen in society with riots, activism, police activities and issues, domestic abuse, gun violence, tantrums, fights, physical actions, and so on. Given the current cluster of Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto in late Capricorn, and the Cancer Mercury, Mars has a few planets he will interact with in stress aspects. The second and third week of July we have his square to Mercury. This will be energy of family desires versus individual desires. This is, also, braun versus brain energy. Given that Mercury is making his way to an opposition with Saturn in Capricorn by the first week of August, we are likely to see a significant accident, or few, with the opposition. This energy brings intense conflict, given Pluto's penchant for fighting for a cause, Saturn's need for control, and Jupiter's love of freedom of expression, and transformational intent. In the sign of Capricorn, the stellium at odds with Mars, and imploring society to shift ideologies, can bring tremendous power to shift cultures, governments, and ideologies. We will not be the same after the transit.
Because Mars retrogrades, as said before, this summer, from September 8th - November 13th, we experience the story three times: initiation, review, culmination of shift. Shadow, retrograde, shadow. The retrograde period makes us feel energetically stifled. Read that again, we feel energetically stifled. This means we have a childlike drive to do, but especially with the Capricorn stellium in love with restriction for lessons, we are going through a moment in time of great growth, and inception of our new selves.
Finally, the month of August is significant because the planet Mars is entering the shadow period of his retrograde in late July, then moving into alignment with a square to the Capricorn stellium Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto throughout the month. This is an initiating energy of the process of his retrograde. We are going to see the male/masculine storyline rise up. This means themes related to Aries' rulership...assertion, aggression, anger, tantrums, drive, ambition, sex, war, rock and roll. Just kidding. It is intense, though. Men and our masculine sides are looking to understand and integrate the coming shifts in society. The divine feminine is going to be coming in stronger, as Uranus transits Taurus, and Pluto wraps up his time in the feminine sign of Capricorn. A new vibration is building, and the old masculine models are shifting. The youth, and young adults have been born with a softer line between genders. The old guard can be insecure in their masculinity, and place in the new dimension. This will, likely, lead to an uprising, a "backlash" of "Me, too", and the feminine storyline. It will be seen as more aggression towards women, a pro-male agenda - in other words a continuation of the authoritarian storyline, and agenda to minimize women, silence the voices of women in cultures and societies, and in general keep control of the old history.
Other Mars in Aries square Jupiter issues will be a disconnect of action versus education, travel, spiritual expansion and understanding, and spiritual growth. It is a time of conflict, but not of just ideologies, but action, too. Even if we are not, all, feeling the need to fight, we are feeling the need to be independent, take actions towards our own agendas, and move forward. Jupiter in late Capricorn, retrograde has been stifled in action for a few months. He is ready to take some idealistic action of his own. Capricorn demands structure, systems. The system. while at times stifling of creative flow, can be needed as a foundation for future endeavors. With actions being driven by fire, and fire sign energy, we will have to reconcile the need to act out because we feel frustrated - Mars, or act upon because we need to move - Jupiter. Because Jupiter is indicative of the energy of foreign countries and foreigners, I foresee August to be a time of international diplomatic relation challenges. It may escalate to war status, but I am keeping optimistic. If it does in fact go to that level, it is truly a show of power, and a tantrum of ego. The authority figures in the world of current times are being influenced by these planets. The ones who are clearly in it for the accolades, and power are at the brink of extinction as figureheads. They are gasping for their last breaths of relevancy. Sadly, they may take a good portion of their constituency with them down the rabbit hole, and even some who do not agree with the show of power. I will write more on this in the coming month of August.
As I have an endless supply of information on astrological influences, I will end this blog here, and get it out to the World. I want you to look at where Aries and Capricorn influence your chart. This will tell you which house, and what themes these influences work under for you. If you are interested in finding out, or hearing my perspective on it, please contact me at this website, or at so@angeliczodiac.com .
Until our next blog, please check out my AstroEnergy Astrology Show podcasts on YouTube.com or via soundcloud.com . I post weekly, and alert fans via Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

Contact Shelley at so@angeliczodiac.com
©2020 Shelley Overton