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Mercury Retrograde et al in Cancer 2020

Writer's picture: Shelley Overton | Angelic ZodiacShelley Overton | Angelic Zodiac

Is everyone ready for the next Mercury retrograde? (*Explanation to follow, jump ahead to the next paragraph if you know this...) To reiterate, Mercury appears to move backwards in orbit from our perspective on Earth. He doesn't actually move backwards. He does pull back his energy, though. Mercury's retrograde motion is the second part of the process of 3 passes over the degrees in the sky. What did you say? Okay, here it is. . . Mercury transits (moves forward) from 5°34' Cancer to 14°45' Cancer. When he goes over those degrees, starting on June 3rd, 2020, he brings into our awareness the theme or story we will be reviewing in his retrograde. On June17th/18th at 12:59 am ET/9:59 am PT respectively, he turns retrograde, reviewing the story, making alterations and adjustments. This lasts through July 12, 2020, when he turns direct at 4:26 am ET/1:26 am PT. His last past over the same degrees means he is wrapping up the story. He had seen what is needed to make a good decision. Adjustments have been made, and now Mercury helps us to move on. We sign the contract, alterations made, broken appliances and gadgets have been repaired or will be replaced. This includes vehicles, a Mercury item. In the sign of Cancer, all the adjustments fall under the need for security, the desire to be protected, removed from emotional trauma. We connect to the desire for closeness to family, there may be travel plans upended by this Mercury retrograde associated with visiting family. This may have an emphasis on siblings. Communications with family member will be emotional, and look for miscommunications, of course.

Grouping of planets by Shelley Overton ©2020

Days after the retrograde begins, we have a solar eclipse in Cancer. This is at 00° and 21 minutes. Because New Moons represent beginnings, and so do the early degrees of a sign, this is particularly significant for a new beginning. With the North Node of Fate not even a full degree away in Gemini at 29°, and Mercury in Cancer, and the asteroid Vesta is a mere 6° away in Cancer. Vesta adds the input of a woman bent on keeping us to task. I see her as a political figure stepping in with a significant say, Speaker of the House or Supreme Court Justice. This is a woman who is keeper of the papers. She incites distaste from the lesser practical. Because the solar eclipse is going on just 2 degrees from the U.S. Venus, with U.S. Jupiter at the same degree as Vesta, 5°, and the U.S. Sun just past at 13° Cancer, it is a moment in time for the history books. America is at a fated moment of change, and growth towards a new day. This is the energy of women coming into power, or their voice is highlighted. The solar eclipse, powered by a new Moon, feminine energy exerts itself. The Moon blocks the light of the Sun on Earth for a period of time, enough to give us a breather from the Sun's power. We see the emotional depth, the mystery of the feminine, and we, collectively, are not the same.

Just a head's up... the day after the new Moon, Neptune turns retrograde (Rx) at 20° 58 minutes Pisces. The day after that, Venus goes direct in Gemini at 5°. To find out what that influence is, listen to my podcast June 17th on, or you can find it at .

Thanks for stopping by.

©2020 Shelley Overton




©2024 AngelicZodiac/Shelley Overton

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