Well, the story resurfaced, again. I could have sworn I wrote about this before. So for those of you who think they have to realign with a "new zodiac sign", let's set the record straight.
The 13th zodiac symbol story pops up every few years, with recent articles dating to 2016, 2018, 2019 and this week, by NASA. To be fair, they have set the record straight, see photo below. Ophiuchus is a constellation in the sky between Scorpius and Sagittarius. He is symbolic of a man holding a snake. Mythologically, he is stomping on the Scorpion, Scorpio's constellation. Because his feet fall at the bottom of the zodiac belt, historically, Ophiuchus is not included in the zodiac system. The Babylonians, who created the current 12 house system of astrology, based on a sky of constellations divided into 12 30° segments of sky. Each segment is represented by a constellation, or group of stars, commonly known as the zodiac. Each constellation represents the majority of space in the 30° of sky it rules over. The sky is divided evenly, and aligns with the seasons of the year, starting with Spring, or the shift into the Spring season, starting close to March 20th each year, give or take, depending on the year. This is the sign of Aries. The rest of the constellations fall in line around the zodiac, changing to "cardinal" signs at the change of seasons.
Ophiuchus, while he is not a zodiacly observed constellation, he does keep popping up. I would venture to say, as an astrologer, everything is relevant. When doing readings, even the sneaky demotion of Pluto as a relevant body in the heavens has significance. When we do readings, energies have signatures. The signatures are read as symbols of events, and behaviors. With a serpent-wrangler as the offending symbol, we must look to the person who could keep company with snakes, and would stomp out the change arising from psychology (Scorpio). His mythology can be taken into account in our astrological story. He has not risen to be a valid member of the round table of 12, but is tenaciously trying to break in. Who could fulfill that symbology in the collective consciousness? I will leave that to you to decide. I know whom I would assign.
In conclusion, I would say "rest easy", in all the world's change, your sign is not changing. You are still the same zodiac sign.

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