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May 12th, 2020 Aspects of Interest

Angelic Zodiac | Shelley Overton

May 7 - Full Moon at 17 Scorpio.

Monday, May10/11 - Saturn Retrogrades at 9:09p PT/12:09 am ET 5/11

Mercury enters Gemini at 5:58 pm ET/ 2:58 pm PT

Tuesday, May 12/13 - Moon conjunct Jupiter 6:30 am ET/ 3:30 am PT

Moon enters Aquarius 11:39 am ET/8:39 am PT

Mars enters Pisces 9:17 pm PT/12:17 am ET 5/13

Venus Retrogrades 11:45 pm PT/ 2:45 am ET 5/13

Thursday, May 14 - Jupiter Retrogrades at 7:32am PT/10:32 am ET

Moon enters Pisces at 6:24 pm PT/ 9:24 pm ET

May 7th, 2020 - Full Moon in Scorpio means the Sun is at 17° Taurus, opposite the Moon. We have the duality of Taurus, valuing self in the monetary or love world, versus, or including a synergy of value of self in another’s eyes, or your value of another. It is about literal love, or material goods. Mercury in near to the Sun in Taurus, so bringing thoughts of the material world in a practical sense. Moon in Scorpio goes deep, emotionally. The Moon is enticing the world to feel, and connect to the other side, the world after life. Scorpio understand the transmutation of ideas, looks for solutions. Always looking at the problem, but Moon in Scorpio does so to find the solution, in Scorpio’s higher form. In the lower form of energy, Scorpio is vindictive when it feels slighted. Scorpio feels slighted when they aren’t listened to, or taken seriously, but mostly when they are lied to. Scorpio tries very hard to connect on the deepest soul level. They are disappointed in their soul if they can’t. With Mars nearly squaring this opposition, expect that we are learning lessons of emotional detachment.

Monday, May 10 into the 11th will bring the retrograde of the planet Saturn. Saturn recently (March 21) went into Aquarius. This was a time of quarantines. Separation and detachment among the masses is quintessential Saturn in Aquarius. So many things have been aligned with Saturn in Aquarius… online education, work, soul work on a higher level. Learning about personal power, the eccentricity of spirit. Clear thinking, and clear weather can come in under Aquarius. With a retrograde, we see planets take on attributes of a complimentary energy. Saturn can act like Jupiter, expansive, unapologetic, and fun. We go back over the degrees which Saturn will retrograde to… in this case 25° 20’ of Capricorn. Saturn began its “shadow period” (the movement in advance of the retrograde starting at the final retrograde degree) on February 4, 2020, the early start of the Coronavirus spread. When Saturn goes back into Capricorn… July 2nd, we are taken back to the energy of the hierarchy, structure, and authority. While Saturn ending his time in Capricorn this cycle, he was showing us our fears, coupled with Pluto, planet of the hidden psychology, we see our inner demons projected out to our environment in the form of those in charge. With a retrograde motion, we are asked to make an adjustment in how we see authority. Are we really wanting things the way they were, the way they have always been, or are we going to alter our ideology, our dogma, and move beyond it? This shift is a chance to do just that. We have been feeling like we can’t give anymore. We need to tend to ourselves, or risk illness, of mind and body. The first pass of Saturn was about owning our stuff, the second (retrograde) is about adjustment, and the last, direct motion, is about completion and transition. Saturn is retrograde until September 28th.

Mercury enters Gemini - Mercury enters his own air sign of Gemini. We will be very ready for learning, thinking, and communicating. Education or teachers, hardware, broadcasting and small pets or reptiles, and transportation will feel this shift. Our attention will be on these. With a positive aspect, but active aspect, of 120° and Trine to Saturn, the pace of thinking and speech will increase, and these words will have gravitas. Pay attention to what happens this day, as information will make a difference in your world. Communications will have a lasting affect, but may have a dualistic nature.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020 - Moon conjuncts Jupiter early in the morning. In the sign of Capricorn, there is activity around constructing a new freedom-loving path. Jupiter needs freedom, and wants to find action to take about that. Personal freedom. Moon will incite a response. She is the indicator and culminator of an event or agenda. Conjunction to Jupiter means a culmination of an expansion or action taken around transformation, education, shift of any sort. With our attention at this point in Capricorn, this is a significant conjunction, given the week’s transformative retrogrades and ingresses.

Moon enters Aquarius joining Saturn, and carrying information from Jupiter, planet of change and transformation to Saturn, the “karmic taskmaster”. This means the Moon expresses a detachment from emotion, and “Mom” or family – the realm of the Moon. With Saturn having just moved retrograde, this will be some version of a fantastic thunder clap. Moving from Capricorn, land of restriction and rules, into the land of all freedoms, communications, thought, action, Moon is in for an awakening of detachment. This can cause clashes between Moms and Dads, career and home, authority and the “people”. Then, THEN, we have cooperation, an agreement of detachment to emotion. As the Moon transits past Saturn, we find our peace, and Aquarius is a very nice energy, generally. Aquarius is fairly optimistic, and curious. These attributes are imbued in the Moon, and our emotional life. We find the water drying out a bit. Unexpected events, or opportunities surround us, via friendships or networking opportunities. In positive aspect to Mercury, we will experience new ideas left and right. Learning is wonderful at this time. Inventions can take off, or projects.

Mars enters Pisces in the evening Eastern time, and early morning Pacific time. Mars is action, at the end of the sign of Aquarius, he is wrapping up his time immersed in air energy, and enjoying autonomy, as we do under this transit. When he goes into Pisces, the vibes change, drastically. Pisces is a water sign, ruled by Neptune, which is currently in the sign of Pisces. Mars incites to action the theme of the sign he is in, in this case emotion, intuition, and creativity. He looks to do thinks out of the public eye, and holed away in his cocoon of emotion. With circumstances around the time of the beginning of the Coronavirus connected to Pisces, I do feel this will be an added time of isolation, and cocooning. This is likely to be more active with the Virus than the first time. It is a time a bold activity around Piscean endeavors, photography, film, art, connectedness to the other side of life. An awareness of Spirit and a deeper meaning of things envelope us. Pisces breaks down barriers, and shows us how we are all part of the same energy. Egos can take a hit, and the best laid plans can go awry. This is particularly profound because Mars will square Mercury, which just went into Gemini a couple days ago. Mars and Mercury are a powerful couple of adversaries. Where Mercury is quick with thought and speech, Mars wants things quick...except in Pisces or other water signs. Pisces is tight-lipped, and Mars increases that, which will be at odds with Mercury now. It is frustrating for us when we feel we need to speak up, and actions require we don’t, or are thwarted from doing so. The opposite can be true, too. We may not feel like speaking, and showing our emotions, but Mercury can force us to speak up.

May 13, 2020 (EDT)/ May 12 2020 (PDT) - Venus moves retrograde. Venus is the ruler of love and money. She rules retail, beauty, fashion and desire. In Gemini, the sign of the Twins, she is desiring communications with a lover, talking about money, and thinking about both. When Venus retrogrades, she lets go of some of her femininity, and is more focused. She can review what she’s heard, and ideas she’s had during her time in Gemini. We will see what Venus has in mind to go over as of April 4th, when we enter the shadow period. This time makes the duality of speech more pronounced. We can take, or will be taken, to task for our words. This is a time to be caught in our lies, or catch others. Venus stays retrograde through the 24/25th of June. We clear the shadow on the 29th of July. Between the 24th of June, and 29th of July, we will finish the story around words. This can also slop over into braodcasting, podcasting, phone calls, TV and any means of communications or broadcasting, including letters or emails.

May 14, 2020 - Jupiter retrogrades. Jupiter, the planet of expansion, transformation, spirituality, education and travel retrogrades at 10:32 am ET. Jupiter retrogrades at the end degree of 27°14’ of Capricorn. Being he is so late in the sign, he is in the decan of Virgo, the healer sign. As with other retrogrades, he is in line to review what he has been exploring during his first pass over the end degrees. This is particularly significant because he transited over Pluto. His conjunction happened on April 4th. Pluto goes retrograde in late April. Jupiter and Pluto together means a major shift around form and values. Pluto wants to go deep, and get to the heart of a matter, he looks for solutions. Pluto is a stubborn, and sometimes dogmatic, energy. He sees the “right” way to do something based on his intuitive assessments. In the sign of Capricorn, Pluto has been working on our need for authority figures, or the externalization of our internal fears. Jupiter’s expansiveness joined with the depth of Pluto can bring us to a whole new place. Boris Johnson went to the hospital hours after this aspect hit London. He fought, successfully, for his life. The challenge is real, though. When Jupiter transits back over that degree, we are going to look at the energy again. Is there an adjustment in place that the aspect triggered, or are we going to have to relive the energy to get the point? Jupiter retrograde can act like Saturn, restrictive and a lot like a taskmaster. We are asked to take ownership, not something Jupiter really likes to do. This will happen in the late Capricorn area of our charts. If you are not sure where that is, email me, Shelley, with your birth info and a question about it, at and I can help you.

Thanks for stopping by and being patient for this blog. If you would like more on astrology, my weekly podcast, AstroEnergy Astrology Show is on iTunes weekly.




©2024 AngelicZodiac/Shelley Overton

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