January 12, 2020 at 11:50 am Eastern Standard Time. What an amazing array of planets. Capricorn has FIVE planets and the South Node of the Moon in its grip. First, we should discuss what Capricorn is about, then we can go over the planets, and then the other influences.

Capricorn. Capricorn is an Earth sign, this means it resonates to the energy element of Earth. It is about the material world. Physical, tangible. Capricorn greets us in Western Astrology with the Winter Solstice on 21st of December, 2019. He rules the winter, structure, authority, credibility, paternalism. He is the boss, the father, the wise grandfather. He is also the karmic taskmaster and rules life purpose. His ruling planet is Saturn. I consider Saturn and Capricorn to be synonymous archetypes. In other words, if you know Saturn's attributes, you also know Capricorn's, and vice versa. Saturn went into his home sign of Capricorn on December 20 of 2017. We felt his influence in government, systems, structure, careers, as we were tasked with owning our fears.
Pluto, the "lord of the underworld" moved into Capricorn on January 25, 2008 at 11:00 pm EST. This date may not have seemed pointed, but we felt his influence. He is the planet that took the housing market down. As he moved from lighthearted Sagittarius, into sober Capricorn, he burst the housing bubble. We felt his influence beginning in 2007. Pluto rules the sign of Scorpio. He likes to dig deep, and he immerses himself in the emotions. His element is Water. Pluto will find the deep emotional space, and force us to face our psychology about it. What Pluto does is show you the feelings you have about a matter, and try to get your attention. He wants to help you understand your point of integrity. He is showing your what you think of your worth to others. He is about value of self in the collective. If you don't get the message, he amps up the message. If you still do not get it, he will burn your emotional crutches to the ground. Sorry for the mixed metaphor, but you get the idea.
Now, combine the power of Saturn and Pluto. With this combination, we have been learning about our personal worth in the collective, as it relates to our life's purpose. Our fears pop up, am I good enough? Was I supported in my passions growing up? What will happen if I do what I truly want? Will I lose my family, or loved ones? Can they hand me as I am? The fears are stoked. But that is what gets you challenging the STATUS QUO. Status quo is one of Capricorn/Saturn's favorite things. Pluto will always draw attention to our reasoning for what we do. What is the psychological underpinnings of our behaviors? These behaviors keep us acting in ways that can be counter to our own happiness. Therefore, the process of finding out our subconscious behaviors, or underlying motivations help us to shed karma, and being our own worst enemies.

Another fascinating thing about this chart is the position of Mercury, also at the same degree! Mercury is the messenger of the Gods. He is the winged messenger of information, as seen in his glyph, similar to Venus, with wings on his head. (As I am writing this, I received an "unknown caller", which didn't ring my phone, and was labeled "France". Unusual, as I usually get unknown callers from the US, not overseas, and it never rang the phone. This is an example of Mercury, he must have known I was referencing him.)
Mercury's energy, Pluto, and Saturn all at the same degree, 22°, of Capricorn. This is an aspect to pay attention to! Now, what does it mean, and what are we supposed to do? It means that 1) Mercury brings information 2) Mercury brings accidents 3) Mercury brings the non-linear (unexpected, unpredictable per se) 4) Saturn indicates a need to take responsibility 5) Systems, government and perceived authority are the focus of Saturn 6) Rules are the domain of Saturn/Capricorn 6) Pluto digs deep and brings up the ugly underbelly of our psychology 7) Pluto asks us to understand if the values we have to others, through their eyes, or in tandem with others, is good, needed, or not good.
Within a day after the conjunction, the Sun joins Saturn and Pluto at their conjunction point. This is BIG. The Sun is Ego. It is about ego, authority, change, psychology, karma, ownership. It will affect bosses, CEOs, authority, Presidents, dictators, as well as everyday people wherever it falls in our Capricorn sector of our charts. This is the energy and power of SHIFT, major shift (Pluto) of authority, structure, systems. Driving the point home, yet? When a stellium of planets converge on a point in the sky, powerful messages, and events occur. In the Earth sign of Capricorn, it is tangible, and literal. Words have meaning and power. With Mercury joining Saturn, you had better back up your words with integrity, (also a Pluto issue), and credibility. The Sun shines his bright light in combust to all these planets, and the power at 9:30 am on the 13th will shine with physical intensity. I always feel Capricorn transits in my bones and teeth, as Capricorn rules these body parts ~ the bones and skeleton. Joints may ache, too, or headaches from the intensity. Look for a, or worldwide, earthquakes of great magnitudes as the Earth feels this shifting energy, and responds. This is the power of earth changes, in a way where the land never goes back to being the way it was.
To add to this assessment, throw in a newly ingressed (December 3, 2019) Jupiter to the mix, conjunct the South Node of Fate. This is a conjunction which will shift the collective. Jupiter affects us in that he wants us to be more self-interested. That can be a difficult thing in Capricorn. Capricorn likes to take responsibility for everything, to the point of obsession and compulsion. To be self-interested goes against his grain a bit, okay, a lot. He has a very difficult time letting go of control. Be that as it may, Jupiter is here to teach Capricorns, and all of us wherever Capricorn falls in our charts, to own our desires, (sextile by sign, enforced by Cap stellium sextile to Neptune). This is the time where circumstances align to shove us to our destinies. Not very much fun, if you haven't done the inner work for the last decade, since Pluto entered Capricorn. If you have done the work, this time will see you align with your best interests, and even though that may mean a rearranging of the structure you have known for, well, ever, it is the right and correct path for you.. and me.
Intuitively looking at this chart, buildings can collapse, or fall, be destroyed on purpose or by accident (Mercury). Dictators, moguls, and those in charge are challenged, and will face the firing squad, hopefully figuratively, but possibly not. Mars and Moon in fire signs at the moment of conjunction. Fire ruling firearms.
Moon in Leo inconjunct Mercury, and at the final degree of its time in Leo, it answers to the Sun, and is waning. This is the time leaders fall, hard. Royalty can, too, with the Leo Moon. England is strongly influenced by the same late degree Pluto in Capricorn America is, as we are linked to the Revolutionary war during the Pluto transit, and America's birth was England's loss under a 27° 33 minute retrograde Pluto in Capricorn. Moon is representative of the Mother, Leo = royalty, end degrees, the ending of a reign, or time of power. It is worthy to note, also, in the July 4, 1776 chart of America, Mercury is exactly opposite to Mercury in the Solar/Pluto/Saturn conjunction chart, at 24° 15' Rx in Cancer, inconjunct (150° hard aspect) to the Moon in Aquarius at 25° Aquarius, nearly exact opposite to the Moon in Leo of transiting Moon's position of 29° Leo. Neptune current day is within 6 degrees of an exact opposition to Neptune of America's birthchart, ideals are shifted, healing is a focus,

Keep in mind that the Sun moves from Pluto to Saturn, then on. Mercury, by this time, will be "out of bounds" running ahead of the Sun, and the other Capricorn compadres. He will be feeling rather free to break the bonds of Capricorn, and likely feeling an infusion of Aquarius as he gets closer to the actual ingress into Aquarius, around the 17th of January. He will be running strong around ideas of old being left behind, the structures, systems, and restrictions. Mercury in Aquarius is a double dose of electrical, and neurological energy. Mercury is naturally highly intellectually energized, mentally hyper, and sometimes neurotic. The nervous system is ruled by air energy, and so it is the language which higher understanding, or Spirit, can communicate. In the sign of Aquarius, Uranus' realm, we supercharge the whole thing. We see "the light", enlightenment. We are highly intelligent, and bring in channeled information at this time. We may be more optimistic, or charismatic, and what others say doesn't phase us as much, as we know the truth inherently. We will have watershed moments collectively, where we understand the true nature of things, we are more humanitarian, and we think more about how things affect all of us, not just the selected few. Eccentric or unusual behavior is seen, as we fly our "freak flag" and behave in accordance with our inner voice, wisdom and visions. It is quantum energy, so it doesn't follow traditional logical standards, and linear thinking. This is why it is the energy, and sign, of genius, Aquarius.
There will be more to write as the Aquarian energy ramps up in 2020 with Saturn entering Aquarius in March, so I will leave this here, and get it up for my newsletter. If you have any questions about astrology, classes, private lessons or readings, full and mini, please contact me at so@angeliczodiac.com or go to the Readings tab to purchase a reading. Thanks for reading my astrological ramblings.

SABIAN SYMBOL 22-23° Capricorn: A Soldier Receiving Two Awards For Bravery In Combat
©2019 Shelley Overton | Angelic Zodiac