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Astrological Love Languages

Angelic Zodiac | Shelley Overton

We all have a love language. Gary Chapman wrote a book on it The 5 Languages of Love in 1992. Since, we have brought the idea into our vernacular. We know immediately what our love language is, or understand the concept. So for this Valentine's Day, I thought it would be fun to break down the love languages of the signs.


ARIES: Being a fiery sign, and the first sign of the zodiac, Aries is the action sign. Aries is passionate...about sex. Love is another story, but they can be committed, with sex the primary motivator. Their love language is time together doing something sporty. Go rollerblading, to a drag race, or even build a bookshelf together.

TAURUS: Taurus is an earth sign, and enjoys tactile experiences. As with most earth signs, appreciation for their considerations goes a long way. They are about the physical engagement, not necessarily sex. They love the romance of love. Give them a sumptuous dinner, massage, and scented oils for their senses. A plant or or flowers which can be planted is a winner. More luxe the better.

GEMINI: Gemini is the first air sign of the zodiac. Geminis are about ideas, and intellectualizing. They run down the idea of love. Their love of conversation can be a jumping off point to love. Keep them intellectually stimulated, and find something to occupy their thoughts, and you have them. Go to an escape room, karaoke, too, as they love music. You could rent a recording booth for the evening, and record a song or podcast. Books enthrall Gemini, so a gift certificate to their favorite bookstore is spot on.

CANCER: Cancers are homebodies, and good luck pulling them away from their beloved cocoon. They can love the domestic life. Their love language is cuddling. Cozy fires, a movie, and great food is the way to their heart, as they are usually the ones doing for others. Give them a night where you do for them, and you have them.

LEO: Leonine love language is always one of adoration. They may need to be the center of attention, but that is because they want to belong. Relating is their love language. Let Leos know you love them, and they are the light of your eyes, and you are half the way there. To get the other half way there, give them gold. Literally or figuratively. Status symbols go a long way, like flattery. For women, hair accessories with gold and diamonds for their lush hair, for men cologne, to announce their presence, not overdone, hard for a Leo to reign in their fabulosity.

VIRGO: Earthy Virgo is the queen-sign of altruism. They are the givers of the zodiac, and healers. Take your time getting to know a Virgo, as they are slow to get on board, but ready for play when you are respectful. Their love language is doing for others. That being said, giving to them will be met with sincere dismissal of their personal value, accompanied by appreciation. Manners are primary. Something finely detailed, functional and considerate will win their hearts. They have hearts of gold, but won't overtly want gold, and secretively do. Virgo love language is conversation, and thoughtfulness.

LIBRA: Librans love love. Their love language is exactly that. They love the idea of love, and are about love. They can talk about love and relationships ad infinitum. They are happy to be in a relationship, connecting to a partner is primary. Being the air sign, ideas, conversation, a night together with a romantic gesture and flowers wraps up the moment. Romantic and feminine, Libra is ruled by Venus, goddess of love. They are gentle, and will do just about anything you suggest, as long as you are together.

SCORPIO: Scorpions are a water sign, and sensitive. Their love language is truth and sincerity. The evolved ones cannot stand lying. Show them you are committed, a ring, maybe?...and they will make you their own. Scorpio rules commitment, mysteries, and research. This sign could also love a great escape room, or movie mystery. You have to be sincere and present. They know when you aren't there emotionally. They do appreciate value, and contrast, so a night of philosophical conversation, and a nice glass of red wine in a cozy jazz club speaks to them.

SAGITTARIUS: Sagittarians are the sign of the centaur. Adventure and freedom are their love languages. Along with any foreign language. They need to keep moving, and are interested in music. A night of live music, or a surprise date excites them, especially if it is followed by a night of lovemaking. Let your imagination run wild, and take them with you! Sports, music, philosophy or religious artifacts are great places to start for a gift.

CAPRICORN: Capricorns are a stable earth sign. Their love language is stability. Capricorns appreciate value, aesthetics at a great price. They say what the mean, and mean what they say. They may not be given to flowery gestures, but pick them up on time for their date, and give them something they can actually use, and they are impressed. While they will always tell you how to do it, doing something for to ease their toil will stand out. But on Valentine's Day or other special day, don't be SO practical. They need to be pushed out of their dogmatic ruts. A little frivolity can do them good, especially the older they are, as they get younger as they age.

AQUARIUS: Aquarius...anything goes. Their love language is freedom, especially freedom of thought. They love multiples, and many options. Another sign that gets into surprises, as they love the unexpected. Don't tell them what you have in mind, then plan to kidnap them away to a fun night at the carnival, or a sunset cruise. Gifts of trinkets, things that spark their imaginations are welcomed. Double-sized Rubik's cubes, or multilayer chess games for them, but they like beauty, and color, too. Rainbow tie-dyed scarves or an afternoon at the science center sparks their minds.

PISCES: Pisces, the sign of Universal love. They are the ultimate "go-alongers". Pisces love language is escape. They look to get into a new or different reality, away from reality. Wine or drinks is a likely good place to start. Movies are ruled by their sign, so that can be on the agenda. Flowers they can press and keep forever, or a vintage clothing item appeals to their sentimental personalities. Show them glowy, cuddly love, and they are yours forever.

Let me know what you are doing for Valentine's Day, and what your sign is! Enjoy the Day of Love.

If you are interested in a private reading with Shelley, you can email her at or go to the Readings page.

©2019 Shelley Overton |


©2024 AngelicZodiac/Shelley Overton


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