Anger can grip us this month, as Mars makes his way to Uranus at 29 degrees. This is the last degree of Aries, so those born April 18, 19, and 20th will feel it pretty intensely, too, along with the opposite degree, those born October 21, 22, and 23rd, last degree of Libra. Of course, same goes for last degrees of Cancer and Capricorn, all the cardinal signs. Everyone will be feeling it though. We will be feeling an increase of the Martian energy of war, aggression, things generally associated with men, and Aries has a strong connection to men, aggression, drive and ambition. While the month of February comes in with Mars around 22° of Aries, as he gets closer to Uranus, he feels more uncomfortable, and agitated.

The two formidable planets join forces on February 13th. Uranus brings the energy of the unusual, unique, alternative... health, career, family, home, wherever Uranus falls in your natal chart, and transits in your chart. Uranus has been driving us, in and of himself, to break free from the structure (square to Pluto over 2015). Now he is about to move in to a new sign, and element, Earth. He is moving out of Fire, burning it up as it were. We can see an expression of this energy as fire, or aggression, tantrums, or violence. Blood is under the rulership of Aries, and joined with a more unpredictable energy, we can see blood spilled. The week of the 10th - 16th of February will see more of this type of behavior. Uranus rules chemicals, science, air, electrical influences on a large scale (read Internet, electric grids and blackouts) Any of these themes can be triggered. Also, Uranus rules humanitarianism, the collective thought processes, a.k.a. "group think". As we approach Valentine's Day, we may be ready for a fight. Aries wants to get the blood moving, and Uranus needs to break from restriction, find our personal power. This is a strong energy for entrepreneurship, and sales.
Fortunately, the day after they meet is Valentine's Day, AND Mars moves into a sign ruled by Venus, the goddess of love, Taurus. Mars in Taurus brings strength and assertiveness to love, and the mood gets more Earth bound, and on some level, reasonable. Taurus takes its time, needs to see material love. Roses, candy, dinners out, wine, all traditional romantic love gestures go a long way with Mars in Taurus. Spend money on luxuries, and you will be your love's dream. least until Mars moves on into Gemini... April Fool's Day, April 1st.
Venus moved into Earth sign Capricorn on February 3rd, and got material and pragmatic. She wants things to be reliable, and organized. If you want a date for Valentine's Day, better plan, and ask in advance! With Venus approaching Saturn on Valentine's Day, lots of commitments made, engagements, are meant to last. Saturn makes sure of that. So be really sure, because you are bound. Neptune supports the union, with a sextile, the most positive, cooperative aspect, bringing in Neptune's dream and ideal.
So for all my readers, Happy Valentine's Day!!!

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©2019 Shelley Overton