What the heck is a Super Blood Wolf Moon, you ask? I'll tell you. "Super" references the closeness of the Moon to Earth. Closest to Earth in her orb, the Moon is 14% bigger and 30% brighter than the opposite "micron" Moon, according to NASA. "Blood" references the color the Moon has at it appears on the horizon, red. "Wolf Moon" is the term used by indigenous people to describe the Moon wolves are most inclined to bay at.

How will this affect us collectively and individually? Collectively, we feel a heightened emotionalism around children. They take our focus. We can also feel a push to be part of the collective, with this particular eclipse triggered with a 0° Aquarius Sun. Creativity is not only increased, but next level inventive and even genius. Clarity comes around the collective behavior. We see things we didn't before, and it revolves around authority, leadership (Leo Moon) and humanity as a whole (Aquarius Sun). An eclipse flashes light on and off, and on again which shows the contrast of behavior, beliefs, and true nature.
With an opposing Sun and Moon, in and of itself, we have an opposition of energies. There is initial contrast in positioning. We are at odds with children, or they with parents and the power structure. When the eclipse happens, we are able to see the true nature of the situation. Leo Moon is about creativity, romance, children, fiery energy. We need connectedness. Aquarius Sun is the opposite. It is about ego and self, also fiery energy, but in the air sign of Aquarius. Aquarius is a detaching energy, it likes intellectualizing situations, doesn't particularly like one on one connections, except for networking purposes, and is detached from emotions, per se. Aquarius is more concerned for the big picture, the collective good. An eclipse at 00° of these signs signals an initiating energy around a new story involving children, power, and leadership. It can signal, as stated before, a shift in creativity, and awareness of alternative means to express creatively.
This next two weeks is especially intense, with a growing connection between Mars in Aries (its natural ruling planet) and Uranus at the final degree of Aries, chomping at the bit for change, and yet anticipating a huge explosion of energy. This will be seen in explosions, some of which are already being experienced. It is energy which builds and needs to be expressed, in humans, that translates to anger. When this energy is on the cusp of a house in your chart, it will be a strong moment of shift for you. Look to find significant people coming in, as Leo Moon needs to connect, and Aquarius Sun needs its "tribe".
If you would like a private reading with me, you can contact me at so@angeliczodiac.com or go to the Readings page here at AngelicZodiac.com .

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