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The Astrology of the Election

We seem to be in a never-ending election cycle. I am writing this on November 6, 2018 right after Uranus moved back into Aries (20 minutes ago). This means in the middle of our election day, the voice of the people (Uranus) shifted from earthy, practical, feminine, and conscientious Taurus to fiery, action-driven, masculine Aries. In terms of actions, decisions, and voting, this means the voters attracted to voting in the morning are concerned about getting it done, taking the responsibility for their ideas, and beliefs. The ones voting in the afternoon may be more driven by emotions, anger, control. Uranus is a planet of power. Uranus wants autonomy, and no one to tell him what to do. Interestingly, on the other side of the Earth is Venus. She is retrograde (like Uranus), and she went into Libra on Halloween. She is now opposing the energy of Uranus in Aries. The dynamic is in the morning Uranus in Taurus answers to Venus, the ruler of Taurus. Desire, money, and women (receptivity, cooperation) are the motivations.

After Uranus goes into Aries, he answers to Mars, which is in Uranus' own sign of Aquarius, in positive sextile aspect. This is a cooperative energy, and one of Mutual Reception. Mutual reception is where each planet is in the others' sign. This can be conflictual if they are in negative aspect to each other, but these two are in positive aspect, 60° apart. They have a cooperation of vision and action. This can be a good thing for Democrats, as Aquarius and Uranus are about the people, humanity. On the other side of the coin, what we have seen in the last couple of years, with Uranus transiting forward through the end degrees of Aries, has been an increase in bullying, and a rise in gun aggression.

So how will it go? The positive aspect means the action taken is in positive cooperation with the mind of the people. Now, Uranus retrograde means we are revisiting this energy, but also wrapping up (end degrees) the story around male aggression and paradigms of power. We can see the manifestation of the old story around aggression, and even outcomes cooperate with aggressive actions. Uranus will move direct in early January. By that time, Mars will be in Aries, and by the end of January will be in sextile to where Mars is today, and at the same position as today's Uranus in late Aries. This is a finality of the story around today's events. Because Uranus moving direct, and the conjunction to Mars, it will be the culmination of the Aries story around power on February 13th, 2019. Interestingly, this is the time of Sun in Aquarius. On February 13, the Sun is at 24° Aquarius, the degree Mars is at today. So let's review this. Today, Mars is sextile at 24° Aquarius to Uranus' newly transitioned position ... Aries at 29°. On February 13, 2019 Mars joins Uranus at 29°, then direct motion, AND the Sun is at the degree Mars is at today, November 6, 2018, at 24° Aries. This will be the culmination, or ending, wrapping up of what happens in today's election around action in voting. Sun brings light to actions taken by Mars, and Mars joins Uranus to energize the ending story.

Uranus is the planetary ruler of Aquarius, and inherently unstable as an overlay of energy on events, decisions, and actions. So, that being said, I expect we will see acts of aggression, emergencies, or emerging events from today which will challenge the will of the people, and be resolved on the 13th of February. It is a fascinating culmination of energy, and timing is everything in astrology.

I hope you can follow along with what I am saying. If you have any questions about astrology, it is a good thing I released my Learn Astrology! ebook this week. You can find it at this link. I wrote it over the course of a couple years, with 35 plus years' of study and research. It is meant to help the beginner, or novice to astrology, understand better through visuals. I am an illustrator and artist, and illustrated the whole book myself. So for the low, low price of $17, you get not only multiple decades of astrological experience and knowledge, but also the same number of years' artistic talent, and visual clarification.

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©2018 Shelley Overton/


©2024 AngelicZodiac/Shelley Overton


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