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What Uranus in Taurus Means

Angelic Zodiac | Shelley Overton

Taurus Uranus

We have Mercury moving into Taurus, Sun is already there. Mars moves into Aquarius, the sign Uranus rules, on the same day Uranus moves into Taurus. This is a transit which happens every 8 years. It isn't a common thing, so we are having a significant shift on Tuesday, May 15th. What will this transit do in our worlds? Let's take a look.

For self: Whether this falls in your first house of Self, or on your Sun sign or Taurus ascendant, you can expect Uranus is waking you up to be more independent. It is about the self, drive, action, drive and self-promotion. This is a time where your worth is the topic, and you learn to love yourself. You can even fall in love with yourself. While you usually take your time to take action, the fast mental pace of Uranus may kick you into high gear. You are more cognizant of yourself, and your desires. Your desires are centered around the material world, normally, but you may find a new connection to ideas and thoughts. You are inventive, and eccentric with Uranus in Taurus. You may find eccentric ways of expressing yourself, those which aren't the norm for society, and cutting edge. Hairstyles can run feminine, with more flowing styles, and curls. Uranus' influence can bring in asymmetrical styles, or unusual headwear.

Finances: Aries risings, Suns, or second house placements, Uranus in Taurus strongly affects how you see money, the monetary world, banking, currencies and economics. As Taurus rules this field, having a Uranian overlay infuses these areas with intellect, ideas and the unique qualities Uranus is known for. Increased interest in cryptocurrencies (like Bitcoin) is a trend. (Trend, not fad). This is a strong jumping off point to a new way of looking at money. Uranus is the planet of the people. It is mostly interested in building bridges between cultures, and networking with others. This is the new mindset when it comes to finances. There is a rise of local retail, big box retail will take a hit, and will be redefining itself as Millennials see through the consumer manipulations in the market. Love is a Taurean domain, as well, being the sign Venus rules. This means hairstyles, fashion, consumer goods, and desires run towards the eccentric, unique, and individual. There is an expansion of personalized merchandise, and beauty is rediscovered. Aesthetics is queen. Diet will shift, more understanding of the use of chemicals in food, and agriculture arises.

Communications: For Pisces risings, and third house placements Uranus in Taurus affects the communications, thoughts, and short distance travel part of the chart. Here, Uranus brings a heightened mind chatter. Communications is already part of your astrological influence. Taurus in this placement will incline you to taking more time to understand concepts. With Uranus, your cognizance is quicker, and you will channel information as if someone is dropping information into your brain. Ideas translate to music lyrics, story ideas, or whole books downloaded. Quick trips you may not have planned for are the norm, along with the eccentric company. You will find interest in a multitude of topics, with financial shifts and inventive ideas for finances taking hold. You find yourself talking about money, and the shift in our financial systems a topic of conversation more frequently. Education in arts, economics, retail and podcasting themes come into your space. Look to marry verbal or aesthetic expression with science or technology. Pragmatism in education is tempered with a broader awareness of what is needed in learning.

Home Life: Aquarius risings, Suns and fourth house placements find more freedom is desired in the home. Unusual living situations occur. Moving into a different situation at home, multiple homes and unusual families mark this transit. Technology in the home increases, as does transparency. More than just one home can be gained with this transit. A detachment from mom or family can result from this transit. Working or earning money in the home is seen. Security is found in diversification of assets.

Creativity and Children: Capricorn rising and fifth house transits for Uranus in Taurus means children can have a detachment from money. Uranus is an unemotional planet, more intellectual, and preferring analysis to emotions. Think Sheldon from Big Bang. While the fifth house position is creative, and Taurus is aesthetic and can rule the arts, or artistry, Uranus detaches from the norm, and looks for the quantum. We find new ways of looking at old methods of creation. We use colors in a new way, or mediums. Friends can bring a new, and exciting awareness of material inventions as a means to create. We connect to friends who may earn a living in unusual ways.

Work and Health: Sagittarius rising and sixth houses will feel the Uranus in Taurus influence in their workplaces, and health fields. We feel the storyline is about alternative health, the connection between money and the health industry comes up. Alternative financial systems get introduced into the field, as well. Teachers can be influenced here, and will bring the awareness of diet as a means of health. Service industry will bring new systems to bear, in payment, or otherwise. Analysis of systems expands, and leaps in a quantum way, bringing new takes on old problems. The cost of healthcare comes under scrutiny, again, but with Uranus ruling unions, collective consciousness and humanitarianism, we can see a demand for more affordable healthcare.

Partnerships: Scorpio risings and seventh house placements feel this energy in their marriages and partnerships, including business partnerships. This is the energy of transpersonal interactions. We see a rise of alternative love relationships. We may go into business with a partner. We are driven to work, or earn money through partners or spouses. A detachment from a partner may come with the transit into the seventh house. We are emotionally detached, as a way of enforcing individuality. Monies from a spouse or partner are shed, again, as a way to exert independence. We are attracted to or attracting those who are unusual, younger, different backgrounds, or physically different from our norm. Clarity comes to our marriages with this transit. We can no longer bear the same old story with a partner, and need to remove it.

Joint Finances and Law: Libra risings and eighth house transits feel this Uranian energy in Taurus with an added accent on money. We are more inventive with how to get it, and it can come in unexpected ways. We are fascinated with cryptocurrencies. We start to detach from old monetary stories. We find new ways, and clear old energy out of our finances. Investments in new inventions are a great option. Look for multiple sources of income. Entrepreneurship can come from commitment to a partnership situation. Legalities and goods of the dead are part of this house, so unexpected money can come from inheritances. Issues around women and economics is seen.

Higher education and Travel: Virgo rising and ninth house transits see Uranus in Taurus bring a groundedness to your actions. You are inclined to take classes on real estate. You may want to teach others about money. An attraction to doing business with people of foreign cultures occurs. Going to school in another country is a possibility. Finding love, unexpectedly, can happen, and recede just as quickly. Foreign currency or business training happens. Investment in foreign property is strong. Spirituality gives way to pragmatism, looking for entrepreneurial opportunities. Love may be found in school, college or a place of worship.

Career: Leo rising or 10th house placement will bring the mindset of making more money from career, but it is from unique ways. We are more inventive in our ideas, and ways of organizing our tasks. We feel we are able to let go of the dogma we held on to before. Tradition is challenged, and we start to integrate a more expansive mindset. Instead of only seeing career by pragmatic means, going to a bricks and mortar workplace, we are more open to moving around, working from home, for ourselves, or out in the "field". We shake it up, and shake up the status quo. Entrepreneurship is more appealing now. We get creative with venture capital, and retail ventures can come our way. Authority figures don't hold all the answers to us anymore. We challenge our career path, and change it, maybe multiple times. We need to have a higher aesthetic in mind, motivating us.

Soul Group: Cancer risings and 11th house transits or placements feel Uranus in Taurus through their network of friends. These friends tend to be from our soul group, or the people associated with our life's purpose. We are humanitarian-minded, and look for ways of earning money for the collective good, or those in need. We have the best interests of the many ahead of the few. We have people come into our spheres who help teach us about personal value as it relates to money. We are extremely inventive, and may be the original "absent-minded professor", but attracting money. We are detached from monetary compensation, but it may increase at this time, especially when associated with science, technology, invention or humanitarianism. We may have unusual electrical occurrences. We may also connect to higher intelligence, commonly called channeling. Insight and information "just comes" to us.

Subconscious: Gemini rising or 12th house transit and placements of Uranus in Taurus can ground the normally deeply intuitive and emotional expression of this house. Our normally pragmatic view of spirituality is challenged by unusual occurrences. These can be unexplainable phenomena, or short circuited electrical devices and currencies. Inspiration is dropped into our heads. Complete stories we need to tell come to us. We are highly connected in to "the other side" or our psychic abilities. Taurus in this house usually is pragmatic, and needs "actual proof", but Uranus infuses that energy with material evidence of the unexplainable. It is a quantum energy come to show us the world is more complex than we know. We have an innate understanding of money and money systems. We are highly knowing when it comes to our partners, or potential partners. We can blow out electrical systems with our energy, if we are not grounded. You can ground by picturing roots coming out of your feet into the ground, and sending energy down. Just like a house's electrical system, we need to ground.

Hold on, we are about to enter a new paradigm, and it is another way of looking at the material world, and values. We are shifting, and this is the first material shift in 8 years, away from the masculine energy of Aries, into the feminine, receptive energy of Taurus. Venus rules this sign, so Uranus' expression is on a material plane, and in the physical world can bring storms which are greater than we are used to. It chills the weather, too, as earth energy does. Buckle up and button up. Should be an interesting ride. And buy cryptocurrencies. They are coming into their the next few years. Systems will be created to make them valid, and highly usable, and more trustworthy.

You can reach Shelley at or, or through email.


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