This week proves to be a trying and flying type of week. We have a New Moon in Aries, to punctuate the Sun, Uranus and Mercury there already. Those planets are mostly in square to Pluto, Saturn and Mars in Capricorn. This means that we have a drive which has been squelched in the last month, with Mercury retrograde forcing us to go back over that which we'd done before. It has proven a difficult month for modes of travel. More accidents on the road have been happening. We are getting frustrated and having more tantrums. Even those of us who are normally even keeled. This is because Saturn, planet of restriction, structure and "I told you so" knowingness has been at a 90° angle of odds with brash, impetuous Aries, and to make matters worse, Mars, Aries' ruling planet, has also been in Capricorn. He, and we, can't seem to get a break. Well, lovelies, that break is coming.
Mercury moves direct on April 15, yes it is finally here. We feel freer, and more capable of taking action, again. The culprit of the seeming restriction, Saturn, will be turning retrograde at almost the same time, Tuesday, April 17th at 9:47 pm Eastern time. Saturn turning retrograde has us feeling free, to the point of seemingly having no boundaries. Saturn may experience chaotic episodes, and our Capricorn friends are going to be acting in self-interest more, something they usually have a hard time doing, as they have assigned their own personal responsibility to most people they care for. Not for the retrograde period, which lasts from April 17th until September 6th. During this time, we will be re-evaluating any moves we've made in our careers. This can mean a great deal. Are we ready for the shift? Are our ducks in a row? What will it do to those we care for? So many questions flying around. To top it off, we are initially dealing with then now direct Mercury. This is the energy of children. If we don't have children in our lives, we see adults acting in excitable, childish ways.
Chiron, the astroid of the Wounded Healer, enters the sign of Aries on the same day as Saturn retrogrades, April 17th. As we had Chiron in Pisces, we have been wrapping up the emotional, sentimental energy of Pisces. Dreams and ideals have been taking a hit, but as Chiron moves into Aries, we are now moving into the energy of the physical. Chiron's wounding is in the area of the police, emergency workers, firefighters, as well as construction, and the area of bullying. We will see bullies become even more of an issue, and society will realize even bullies were bullied. The topic will be more addressed.
Sun enters Taurus on Thursday, April 19th. This will be the premier awakening of Taurean energy as we see Uranus move into Taurus in May. The Sun shines on this bull energy, the energy of money and love, as overseen by the energy of Venus. Happy Birthday to my Taurus friends. This is your year for I•N•D•E•P•E•N•D•E•N•C•E. You discover your autonomy, your own power. Money thoughts comes to the fore of your mind, along with awareness of the topics of banking, business, land, agriculture, nature, and love. We align with the energy of Venus, as she shows us beauty, and draws our attention to our appearance. I wouldn't be surprised if haircuts and hairstyles shift, as we get closer to May 1st and Mercury enters Taurus.
As Mars moves forward, closer to Pluto, bringing the strong energy of change. We are awakening to the truth behind the psychology of power structures, bosses, government, and the integrity in those arenas. We are now able to manifest our own authority, and no longer need others to tell us how to do things, what to think, how to be. This energy will continue to grow, and expand as Mars moves closer to a conjunction with Pluto in a week. Towards the end of the week, this position will have a strong influence on the planet. It affects the Earth's structure, as well. Look for the strong potential of a major earthquake, hitting, and multiple other earthquakes in the high range. It could affect volcanic activities, too, as they are connected. In our personal lives, we head towards major upheavals, positive or negative, depending on our outlook. This is a time of prescribed change. We are moving into our destiny. We are driven internally towards making these changes.
With that, I tell you go and be well. Share this newsletter link, and let me know if you would like me to look into your chart for how the planets are affecting you and your life. Namaste.
