Spring is coming in quickly. We are ramping up to a marvelous year. The energy has shifted, and will strongly shift again. I will help you take advantage of it! Some themes we will be dealing with are autonomy, finances, love relationships, career....oh, well. Pretty much most areas of our lives, right?
To start off, Spring springs in on March 20, 2018. And might I say, with a bang. Mercury, god of communications and transportation, joins with Venus...goddess of looOoove. These two will be in the sign of Aries, masculine energy, and the idea of taking action. Aries is a fire sign. This is the energy to take action under. The down side of Mercury joining Venus in Aries is that we say what we think and feel without many filters. This can come across as aggressive. Be on the alert for yourself or others being influenced by Aries' brash take on things.
Sun enters Aries at 12:15 pm ET/ 9:15 am PT / 4:15 pm GT. We will feel the shift from sleepy, dreamy Pisces to vibrant and energized Aries. We will sense a movement from the reticent outlook to a more self-actualized momentum. Of course, this will infuse the Mercury/Venus conjunction. It can create aggressive behavior, and be on the lookout for more stories in the news of this.
Now that Mercury and Venus are talking, and the Sun brings some light to the situation, we see Mercury have a change of mind, and go backwards, retrograde on March 22nd. The same day is the square between the Moon in Gemini and Neptune in Pisces. Dreamy visions are met with a need for things to be spelled out in a clear and concise manner. Moon in Gemini can hurt feelings. Look for Mom to say something which rubs us wrong. It is part of the larger conversational story. Mercury in Aries is in positive aspect to Gemini, and so they can be a bit harsh when joined together in ideology.
On Friday, March 23rd we see Venus square Pluto. Again, we see sensitive Venus in a sometimes insensitive area of the sky, in negative aspect to a life-changing Pluto in Capricorn, sign of structures. We see changes in desires, or a brash need for action which goes against the formidable presence of Pluto. This plays out in children/parent adversity, or authority figure against their charge. The dynamic also can be seen in how women try to converse with the old paradigm, hierarchy, patriarchy or government. It can be frustrating on both sides.
On March 28, Venus joins with Uranus, and rediscovers some power. Uranus approaches situations from an alternative, or unique position, which will help make things happen in personal business, relationships, entrepreneurship and how emergency situations are handled. With the M. Stoneman Douglas High School fallout, we will see the youth not backing down on the fight. Alternative viewpoints can create a backdoor in.
The first day of Spring is the first day of the zodiac, which is why it is also International Astrology Day. So Happy International Astrology Day! Look forward to talking with you again on the AstroEnergy Astrology Show. If you would like, call in early on Tuesdays at 11:00 am ET, and I can answer your questions.