Currently, there is a stellium of Cancer planets. Cancer, the sign of the Crab, influences us through the energy of the Moon. Moon is an emotionally fickle girl. She changes energy every couple days. As she moves through every sign of the zodiac, in a month, she shifts where she needs emotional security and nurturing. With Sun, Mercury and Mars all in Cancer, they will all be influenced by the transit of Moon.
As Cancer is a water sign, ruler of emotions, she brings out our emotions. Sun integrates emotions through ego. As a group, we feel deeper, get our feelings hurt quicker. When our feelings are hurt, we run and hide. We feel more self-righteous with the Sun in Cancer. We can justify our emotions, and point fingers. With Mercury in Cancer, our words take on the words of water, "you made me FEEL badly," etc. We may say mean things to impart our own hurt, and then hide from who we perceived as hurter. With Mars in Cancer, a planet which acts upon, we can passive-aggressive, a Cancerian trait. We can, also, get lots of work done around the home, as Mars in Cancer channels their insecurities into making the home environment secure and neat. The Sun remains in Cancer until July 23rd, Mercury remains until July 7th, and Mars remains in Cancer until July 21st. This means we all will collectively feel all the feels. With Neptune in Pisces, another waters sign, we feel everyone. The water energy can overwhelm us with its sentimentality, how strong our emotions are, taking over our day to day lives, conversations, and how we take action at home, and career.
After the aforementioned dates, we will get an infusion of Leo energy. This is particularly significant, as Leo is a fire sign, and Saturn is housed in Sagittarius' fire energy, and Uranus is wrapping up his time in Aries, the final fire sign. We will be fire heavy as the summer digs in. The last two weeks of August will prove to be a particularly intense energy, as there will be a solar eclipse to hold our attention, and shift the energies in a profound manner on Monday, August 21st. The eclipse is in the sign of Leo, with aspects to Uranus and Saturn. This is the energy of ego, newborn awareness, the Unexpected, and career. We forge a new path, and are infused with bravado from Leo. An awakening after the Darkness. Creativity, youthfulness, expression are on the horizon. As I write this, the song One Dream by Miriam Stockely plays, which is highly indicative of this eclipse energy. It is a hopeful, strong song. I will link it here.
By August 27th, we will see Venus in the sign of Leo, as well, adding her more than 2¢ worth of opinion to our need for creative outlets. Egos run high, but the grand trine in fire proves to create on an epic level, affecting change in strong, unexpected, and profound ways. Saturn in Sagittarius will be direct, and call us to own our extreme qualities, our need for travel, freedom, our love of nature and action. With Uranus' strong intent towards self-promotion, action, and entrepreneurship, in Aries, it proves to be a highly active week, even 2 weeks. We will see storms, fires...still, and inventions take off. Expect the unexpected, which, of course, is impossible, unless you see it as I'm Possible. Ride the Universal forces on an amazing wave of action, intellectual awakening, and leadership. NOW is the time. Humanitarianism gets a shot in the arm.
©2017 Shelley Overton | AstrologerAngel.com