October 8, 2016 - We have a lot of contrary, shifting energy in the sky today. It relates to the energy of power, control (Pluto in Capricorn) emotions, and action, wrapped up in structure, authority, and CONTROL. (Just wanted to make sure you got that...) Aries' ruler is Mars, and he's in Capricorn, helping us to take action to organize, and restructure our world to match our new visions of what we can tolerate. We are challenged to LET GO of what doesn't work, a lesson we have been working on for a few years now, starting with Pluto's ingress (move) into Capricorn. Now it is an overlay on relationships, too. With Jupiter in Libra, and he is joined by Mercury, and the Sun today, we are seeing friction in the structures we have been familiar with. Libra helps us to see the other point of view, and Jupiter increases our self-interest. The Sun is punctuating the need to feed ego within the relationship.
This will help us create the true relationship we want, and need, to move forward with our lives. Uranus in Aries is not feeling really good right now, as he is looking backwards, with his retrograde motion. He is frustrated, and wants to reason through the shifts. Libra can help, as it is an air sign, something Uranian energy understands. Air is in its element with electricity. With all the weather upheaval, a Uranian/Aquarian modality, we see just how frustrated he can be! And so he is using his Aries connection to the planet Mars, and he becomes destructive of the land, Capricorn. The tantrum will end at the end of the year, when he goes direct December 28th. Just know today is about understanding new ways of cooperating, connecting to family, and putting ego on hold, as cooperation is Libra’s shining star. Mercury can, also, bring a greater understanding to the table. The unknown element is the Uranian “surprise” factor. He cannot be predicted, but if we did, he gives us MULTIPLES. Multiple events, multiple warnings, multiple ideas. And as we can see with Hurricane Matthew, probably multiple passes.
This next two weeks will be a test of our preparedness for the Unknown. We have an approaching full Moon joining Uranus on the 16th, and that is followed by Mars joining Pluto in Capricorn on the 19th. This is a heightened week of emotionalism connected to aggression, tantrums, and restructuring. If you know of anyone on the emotional edge, please do reach out. It could, literally, mean the difference between life and death.
Shelley ~