As we head into the new year, there are many things going on. After approximately an hour per month, the breakdown is finished! I have done another version which takes out most of the astrological lingo, if you prefer. . . scroll to the bottom of this blog to read it. Thanks for your support!

January begins with a continuation of the Mercury retrograde energy. We feel a bit stopped up, and not able to move forward with our ideas for career. By the second week, we should be feeling a little bit better with Mercury direct in Sagittarius. This will give us more fire to do what we need to do, and wrap up old stories around education, health and fitness, things that are related to selling a house, or anything related to foreigners or those of other cultures.
The second week is going to be a stronger week for contracts, moving forward with our ideas or plans for a new business, and career. The middle of the month we are more dreamy, and lower energy as Venus Mars and Neptune are all in Pisces now. If you are used to things moving forward quickly, or have your own Mars in a fire sign, this will be a difficult energy for you to cope with. Not much is getting done, people are not wanting to move or go anywhere. It's a very lazy laid-back energy. This is a time to get closer to spirit, fantasize, daydream, or create fabulous works of art. This is also another incredible time to begin, or continue, the journey to your dream. Movies can help us escape, but be careful of escapism through alcohol or drugs, Pisces rules over these. We can look to escape too much, and if this is what you feeling, it would be wise to seek outside help, therapist, or friend to talk things through with. We can see oil prices go up under strong Pisces transits, water is at a premium, or abundant. Mars and Saturn square on the 19th, creating very obvious strife. There is a strong disconnection between religious beliefs, and religious organizations. Authority is at odds with youthful determination. Look for potential terrorist issues at this time. This is also another hotspot for potential issues with police, emergency workers, and the organizations that oversee them.
The 19th of January is also the first day of Sun in Aquarius. This how we see ourselves can move from old-school two new school traits. Tradition, history, the elderly are all Capricorn, unions, the masses, humanitarianism are all under the auspices of Aquarius. You can look for technology glitches, and internet issues as we get used to the new electrical infusion of energy. The very next day is the inauguration. The presidency of this country is always under an Aquarian Sun, as inauguration day is always the same date. Ultimately, the president must act on behalf of the masses as a whole.
The end of the month has a Mercury/Pluto conjunction on the 29th. This is a time where we can see strong will, and thoughts, around revenge, especially if our ideology is challenged. We get a stronger drive to organize our lives. Taxes can get done, insurance bought, and other details of the system, or a systematic life are tended to.
Mars moves into its own sign, Aries, on the 29th. Look for strong masculine energy to come out, and this means aggression, assertiveness, the drive to take physical action to express energy and emotion. We will see more aggression in the world, as concentrated masculine tendencies arise.
February is a strong month. On the second, we have Groundhogs Day, the pagan holiday Imbolc, and Mercury directly squaring Jupiter. Energetically, this is a lot to digest. Today is 2/2, the second day of the second month. Numerologically that adds up to four, I number I associate with a softer money vibration. It is also the vibration of couples, being 2/2. In astrology, the number to translates to the second house. The second house ruler is Venus, and she rules couples, love, and money. With Jupiter in the sign of Libra, Venus is the energy Jupiter is answering to. Mercury is in the sign of Capricorn, historically a more difficult sign for money matters. Capricorn withdraws energy, it is a cold sign. Mercury is how we think. With Capricorn squaring Jupiter in Libra, there is a disconnect between the structure, Capricorn, thoughts and money. This translates to a difficult energy for finances, the money market, and possessions. Mercury and Capricorn in late degrees can indicates items being broken, or items at the end of their lifecycle. The short story is look for difficulties in the stock market, or money markets. What is normally stable can have warbles. We are thinking of ways to stabilize. Corporations gain attention, and we may desire to work for a bricks and mortar employer, at this time.
On the 6th of February, Jupiter goes retrograde. This is the last time Jupiter will be retrograde in Libra for over a decade. We are looking at our interactions with a partner, loved one, or business. Are we getting our needs met? Is this something we want to continue with, reevaluate, or leave? Sun in Aquarius gives us clarity, and an actual detachment from egoic work, drive. We are more inclined to care for others the first three weeks of February and the last week of January. While we care about the collective, the Aquarius energy is more detached from the one on one. Unions, and professional organizations and groups are in the spotlight.
Mercury enters Aquarius on February 8, adding to the energy. Again, more energy infused into the idea of working for yourself, as the Sun is in positive aspect to Mars and moving into positive aspect to its ruler, Uranus. On the 22nd, Mars and Pluto move into a square at 18° Aries and Capricorn, creating a friction point. This is energy we have seen a lot, and it is another trigger for authority and emergency workers or the police. With the Moon in Capricorn on this day, there is likely to be an overriding governmental influence, to protect the safety. This is also an energy that could indicate riots. On the 27th, Mars joins Uranus balancing the aggression back to the side of the people, but also fringe ideologies.
March comes in like a lamb with the Sun in Pisces, and a conjunction of the Sun to Neptune on the second. of March. Again, when we have planets join Neptune in Pisces we see zapping of our energy. The Universe wants us to slow down and take time to enjoy the beauty in life, appreciate love for loves sake, and sleep, perchance to dream. On the fourth and fifth, depending on your time zone, Venus retrograde is in Aries. This is a more aggressive energy, as Aries is the sign of men, and masculine energy rolled by Mars. As Venus retrograde, she loses some of her machismo. Venus In the sign of Aries makes her more given to bravado, and masculine means of expression. When she turns retrograde, she goes back towards Pisces, and yet it feels more like her power has been taken from her. This is how we will translate this energy wherever Venus falls in our chart. This is a time where planned parenthood could get defunded, or similar actions against the better good for women. We may feel helpless.
On the sixth, Mercury joins with the Sun in Pisces, adding to our intuition and hidden desires. All of the planets through Pisces lend themselves to connecting more with love, whether it is agape love, or the love of another. On the 10th, Mercury and Uranus join together and Aries. This is a time of improved electronics sales, and technology will do very well at this point, as you may be buying some new technology. Our thoughts can also be with the greater good, and issues involving firefighters police, and EMTs. Mercury and fire, along with Uranus, also brings when storms, and potential for dry air and fire. The planets in Pisces can help with water, but not necessarily consistently. Sun moves into areas on the 20th of March. By the 30th, Jupiter and Pluto move into a square in the signs of Libra and Capricorn. Buildings, especially older ones, the dogma of tradition, restrictions around travel and relationships are challenged. It is an energy of authority versus freedom, career versus marriage. This is a time when people may make their transition, and relationships can come to an end. Mercury enters Taurus on the 31st. Read on to learn more.
It isn't necessarily going to be a fun April. April opens with the first week having just seen Mercury move into the sign of Taurus on the 31st of March. Our thoughts are much more practical, and down to earth around money matters, and desires. Within the week after, Venus follows up with the energy of Pisces as the retrograde pushes her back into Pisces. The issues related to love and money that you were feeling the last couple days of January and the first four days of February will come back for a second pass. This means those issues around love desire money will get reevaluated. As Venus goes direct on the 15th, you will get to relive the final pass of Venus through the end degrees of Pisces, ending on the 29th of April. This means that whatever has been reevaluated for money, desire, and connection to a higher source will take a turn and complete the story. The story is about things coming up from the past, including love, karma, money connections, and anything that would connect you to your ancestry, or an archival element. If you are relating to the film industry, or photography, whatever you experienced having to do over will finish up at this time. As Neptune is in Pisces, some of your dreams and desires will be reevaluated and reworked. This could also mean the selling of property, as Venus oversees this as well. With Jupiter retrograde, there is a connection to marriage partnership and opening of the responsibility of where that relationship is... Do you want to stay or go? Moving on, on April 5, Saturn goes retrograde. As you were starting to feel it was time to complete some travel business, a learning experience, etc., Now Saturn has you reevaluating your decisions. While Saturn moving closer to Capricorn solidifies not only the energy of the sign it’s in, in this case Sagittarius, but also brings about a new groundedness as we look to Capricorn for stability and structure. Saturn moving backwards in Sagittarius means that there will be trips to go back over careers decisions, schooling decisions may have to be reevaluated and restructured, and all of the usual suspects we see with Sagittarius energy. This will last until August 25. By the end of the year, Saturn will be moving into Capricorn for 2018, we won't be seeing Saturn in Sagittarius again for 28 years.
Mars trining Pluto on the sixth is considered a positive energy, but I find trines will create something unpleasant before they give you the treasure. With Mars in Taurus and Pluto in Capricorn, look for a shift in stocks, financial markets, a correction of sorts. This can also mean there will be a shift in how we take action on our finances, and also frustration could arise for a brief amount of time. Mercury goes retrograde on April 9 in the sign of Taurus, as well. Given that April is the month of Taurus Sun, having Mercury there, retrograde, and Mars there will enhance what we are experiencing. The asteroid Ceres is also in the sign of Taurus at this time. All of these elements come together to put a focus on agriculture, plants, food, what we put in our bodies is highlighted. Given the strong headstrong, archetypal energy of the animals associated with Aries and Taurus, ram and bull, you get the idea just how stubborn, and aggressive April can be. The Sun is in Aries and Taurus for the whole month Mercury is in Taurus and Aries throughout the month, Venus is in Aries for three weeks of the month, Mars Is in Taurus three quarters of the month, Uranus is an Aries the whole month,, and Ceres, like I said, is in Taurus, and Pallas Athena, which has Venus's energy, is in Aries. It is a very forceful, assertive energy that is coming in around finances and economics. There will be record-setting days in the stock market, and conservative drops, as well.
On April 11th, there will be a full Moon at 21° Libra which is within 4° of Jupiter retrograde. The Sun will be at 21° Aries, and this means that there is a strong sense of responsibility, or need to own up to relationship status. Conflict can occur around ego, re: Sun, and getting one’s needs met. It is a sort of "go" time. On the 19th of April, Sun moves into the sign of Taurus. This, again, reiterates the attention to finances agriculture property and taking one’s time to decide. On the 20th of April, Pluto turns retrograde. In close proximity of the Sun changing signs, and Pluto moving retrograde is also an indicator that economies, governments, political machinations, internal structure, and issues of the interior of the country come to the fore. The same day, Mercury heads into Aries, wanting to assert an opinion on whatever comes their way. It is a fast, aggressive thought process, with a little time for the details. Our thoughts move towards doing it and then moving on. We are looking to create something as Aries is big into self-promotion, we will . Also, want to talk more about ourselves. So as the country feels these energies, America can get more brash, and force issues. Cancerian America may, also, attract aggression. The very next day Mars moves into Gemini, another energy that doesn't always listen to the other side. Because Gemini has a Jekyll and Hyde energy at times, there can be more than one front where we will be seeing aggression, or asserting our opinions. In a personal sense, we can be more sexual, and attract more partnership, or sexual partners. We are more charismatic, chatty, and willing to express ourselves. As Mercury enters Aries, Mercury answers to Mars. As Mars moves into Gemini, Gemini answers to Mercury. These two planets are in sextile, a positive aspect for cooperation, and are in mutual reception. While the month of April is more aggressive, there will be a lot of bravado, and rhetoric to go around. People are talking, and good will come from it if we work at it. We are seen as attractive, personally, and nationally. Ideas are popping, but so are projects. To wrap up the month of April, there will be a trine between an Aries Mercury and Sagittarius Saturn. Again, look for potential accidents, Mercury, and travel, foreign countries, business abroad, education, and athleticism. The energy could express through electronic difficulties, but can also express in positive ways including coming to agreements with people of other cultures. There will always be a silver lining in any difficulties coming from trines.
Mercury, hovering near Uranus, is in a loose trine to Saturn, bringing mayhem, and creating tremendous movement around business dealings. There is a review of what will work best for long-distance relationships, but it is still a time of tending to details around work. Mercury goes direct on Wednesday, May 3. In the sign of Aries, this will be welcome for those who are physical, all the fire signs. It will help us express pent up aggression, and anger that has been building over the retrograde. This doesn't mean that we're going to go out and punch somebody, but we will get back into our physical routines, and if we had not been to the gym in a few weeks, will get there now. There will be less resistance to our means of expressing ourselves. Mercury and Uranus join up on the 10th, which means we will feel extra assertive around expressing our ideas. These ideas can relate to marketing, sales, and things that would help promote a business, if you've been working on that for the last year. Meeting up with someone unexpected can also happen, as Venus is now in Aries. Both of Venus and Mars are working to help you chat up that person that you've met recently. This means you may be more charismatic, and attractive to the opposite gender. This is a more physical, sexual energy, and not so much romantic… but it is flirty! Mars and Neptune square up on the 11th, which is a difficult energy for cooperation in romance. As I've just said, we're much more sexual. This is a placement that can create disagreements between the genders, but also physical aggression towards women. This is a narcissistic combination, and can result in highly codependent, even abusive, relationships. On May 12, Mars and Jupiter are in trine, once again bringing ideas, and the expression of those to fruition. Take action on your thoughts while you have the fortune to find people that can help you manifest it, or partner with you. May 17th is a big day for relationship transformation. Jupiter inconjunct Neptune in Libra and Pisces, respectively, is breaking apart relationships whether you may want to have it or not. This energy brings the transformation to move beyond addiction issues, and codependence. This is the Universe saying this is not a healthy relationship. On May 18, Saturn trines Uranus, driving the point home, but keeping in mind it is going to be better for you, and the energy supports travel, and getting away, far far away.
June 3rd has Venus conjunct Uranus in Aries at 27°. Unexpected romance can find its way to you. Know that not only does Uranus make things very transient, Aries can also bring a quick “in and out” quality. This is a sexual attraction that may come and go, with fever. On a larger scale, there is an attraction to small businesses. June 9th Jupiter goes direct at 13° Libra, and there is a full Moon at 18° Sagittarius. This is a great aspect, not only for good fortune, but manifesting healthy exercise routines, educational expansion including taking a class, or scheduling a class, and there will be a general good feeling. Plan trips that take you too far off, exotic locales. Cooperation of people from foreign countries is a positive outcome. On June 16, Neptune retrograde is at 14° Pisces. We should see floods, or storms, or skiing snow! Mercury inconjunct Pluto the same day, creating an edge to the weekend. On June 21, the Sun moves into Cancer, Mercury moves into Cancer, and on the 23rd, we have a new Moon in Cancer at 2°. This is a week of connecting to family, nurturing others, and yourself, and paying attention to emotions. We are all wanting to nest. If you know anyone with a Cancer in their charts, you may spend time with them now. On the 25th, Mars squares Jupiter in Cancer and Libra respectively. We will see discord between the institution of marriage, partnerships even in business, and the core family unit. people are more inclined to get their feelings hurt, and run away, giving the silent treatment this week. Since America is a Cancer-ruled country, you can expect some foreign discord at this time. The very next day, June 26, Mars tries to Neptune. This means that we are having very deep, sentimental feelings about our country, or family. Look for actions towards the vision we have for the year being taken.
July 2, Mercury inconjuncts Saturn. Accidents, connection to America, foreign interests, educational energy are all triggered. This is an energy around restriction, and authoritarianism coupled with disagreements on home soil, or about what is good for the family. In a personal sense, this means that family and career are at odds, for America it means what Americans may want to nurture the country is at odds with what authority is doing in foreign diplomatic situations. This is the beginning of issues that will culminate on July 9th, when Mars inconjuncts (150 degrees) Saturn. There is a full Moon on the ninth of July, in Capricorn, which will escalate matters. This is an intense time, as it is the inclination to act on behalf of the family, or homeland, but circumstances far away from us are at odds with what feels comfortable. The full Moon on this day, and Capricorn at 17°, will add to looking for an authority figure to act on our behalf, which will not be the case. Nationally, interests overseas will involve leaders, and corporations or business interests at a heightened pace. Around midnight Eastern and Pacific, the Sun opposes Pluto. This is a very clear statement of how ego is at odds with a larger path to change, and the understanding of social morays. Pluto is about integrity, and value of self to others, pulling out the hidden, and exposing the mystery. With the full Moon shining in Capricorn, and then the Sun opposing Pluto, the Moon is joins Pluto. This is an us versus them scenario. Emotions, and egos run high. Pluto usually has the last say, and the full Moon punctuates this. Any time Capricorn or Saturn are in strong aspect, we can see shifts around the structure of roads, buildings, or the physical body. This can, also, mean earthquakes. This is a strong hot point for the year. Mercury goes into Leo on July 5, adding to the ego connection of words, but also adding to the hyperbolic rhetoric out there. July 17th Mars squares Uranus, adding to the stresses that happened since the beginning of the month. This is a difficult time in business, as we may want to be closer to family, but we have to find a way to detach, Uranus.
August 2nd through the third (Eastern and Pacific time zones) Uranus goes retrograde. Look for difficult weather, including storms, tornadoes, hurricanes, lightning, wind, and outages as this aspect approaches. This is also a shift of direction around what's best for the whole. Group ideology is restricted as Uranus pulls back energy. Electronics on the Internet are affected. August 4, Jupiter square is Pluto in Libra and Capricorn respectively, at 17°. Again, trying to work a compromise with partners, or the system of the organization is difficult. August 13, Mercury goes retrograde in Virgo, she moves from 11° of Virgo back to 28° of Leo. Definitely, back up your computers before this date, you may want to do it in July. We will see electronics not work, small pets may have issues, or leave us, classrooms will have issues with getting the point across, or assignments not being given accurately, or missed or misunderstood. Phone communications are difficult, as is email, and texting.
On August 16th,, Venus opposes Pluto, again visiting issues around love, sisters and mothers, authority or career, and fathers. There's a total solar eclipse in Leo, on the 21st of August. The Moon is inconjunct Chiron the same day. Egos and sentimentality do not go together. This can also involve sentimentality around visions of a bigger picture. Authority figures are at odds. August 25th, Saturn turns direct! This is the final sprint towards Capricorn. Saturn in Sagittarius will be trying to finish up the loose ends and the sign as he wraps up his time in Sagittarius. This includes getting real about your health, getting an active workout routine, committing to that spiritual practice you've been thinking about, going back to school, or taking classes to become a real estate agent, teaching classes, going on the road with that band you just formed, going up on stage to try out your comedic chops, selling your house and moving to the other side of the country, or to another country. If you've been waiting for a sign from the Universe, consider it delivered. August 27th, there is a sextile between Jupiter in Libra and Saturn in Sagittarius. This can mean new romantic relationships, but know that they may not be of the faithful kind, or truthful.
September comes in with a Mars inconjunct to Chiron, creating an action of a leader, father figure, or even child which is in conflict with how you see the situation. Actions are wounding on this day. On the second, Mars trines Uranus This is a very forthright energy, and unexpected actions are taken, probably from ego, or self interest. This is also a great time to take a risk, buy a lotto ticket. On the third, Mercury conjunct Mars which means that there will be warm dry, or windy weather. Thoughts and actions are cooperative now, you can see a strong create event with the Leo energy, and playfulness and children may factor in prominently to your time. Fire energy may translate literally, with fires. With Mercury retrograde, know that whatever thoughts cross your mind, you will be reliving them, after Mercury goes direct in a couple days, but you will not be able to manifest as easily as when Mercury talks to Mars.
On September 5th Mercury goes direct. September 6th, Mars goes into the sign of Virgo, on the 11th Mercury goes into Virgo and on the 21st Venus goes into Virgo. As Mars into Virgo, the energy goes from playful and whimsical into pragmatic and work-oriented. Mercury into Virgo brings the same energy only more of our thoughts surround the pragmatic side of things, details, work, health, and hygiene. We are more altruistic and may desire more alone time. On the 21st with Venus in Virgo, we go from that loving romantic thoughts to concern for others, but we need alone time to recharge for others. Just consider that the second half of September may be more about work, and less about friends and fun. On the 28th, Pluto goes direct! This energy always shifts earth awareness, including potential irruptions of volcanoes, tectonic plate shifts may cause earthquakes. The same day, Jupiter opposes Uranus, which is an unexpected ending and in the sign of Libra and Aries, respectively, you could also be the transition or status change of a relationship, out of the blue, i.e. expansion, or contraction. With Mercury inconjunct Uranus the same day, be on the lookout for accidents, or altercations, or explosions.
Mars trines Pluto at 16° Virgo and Capricorn on October 1. The material world figures prominently, and we may see a reduction of income, but an increase in responsibility and work time. The money can be there, but there is resistance, with Virgo energy, in asking for it. If you can overcome your distaste for discussing money, you can get a raise.
On October 5th, Venus and Mars join together at 18° Virgo, the same day there is a full Moon in Aries inconjunct to them. Venus and Mars joining in Virgo means that physical or romantic needs are met by each individual, we aren’t looking for a partner, overtly. Even so, what attracts us now is a sharp mind, and wit. We are more aware of the body, the digestive system, the food we eat and its effect on our bodies. We may think about losing weight at this time. Inconjunct means that a fiery, or strong woman may be causing this difficulty. This can also bring tantrums from children and Virgo acts as a very conscientious parent, helping to smooth over the situation. Even so, it may not do enough, as the full Moon wants what it wants when it wants it.
On October 10, Jupiter moves into the intense sign of Scorpio. Jupiter is normally very playful and freewheeling, but Scorpio is intense dark and brooding. Jupiter is inclined towards extreme behavior, and in Scorpio it enhances some of this. As Jupiter in Scorpio is trying to get us to be more aware of our value in the world, He does so by giving us the sense of self-interest and awareness of our personal needs. This can increase the desire to move on, as Scorpio will cut ties, and Jupiter will run. Look for seemingly deep, committed relationships in the spotlight breaking up. October 11th, Mars and Saturn square each other in Virgo and Sagittarius. This means that health and nature grab our attention, but the planets influence each differently. Both Sagittarius and Virgo energies are about taking action, and work, on some level. The difference is Virgo pays attention to details and Saturn in Sagittarius does not. There could be some strong difference of opinion in the workplace, and about careers. For some positive energy, the Sun joins with Jupiter on the 27th of October, in the sign of Scorpio. This shines a stronger spotlight on truth and politics. We shall expand our awareness, and find the passion within to take action, and harvest the drive towards commitment to our passions.
Mercury moves into the sign of Sagittarius on November 5th. As Mercury was in the sign of Sagittarius at the end of his retrograde in January, we will see this energy revisited later in the month. In the last week of November, Mercury makes his way back to the position he was in during the upheaval of January, the week of storms on both coasts, and a people stuck at airports. But when he goes in, in early November, he brings a lightness of thought. We start to want more time to play, more freedom, we are interested in finding out about the spiritual side of life, or religion, and nature and health become more desirable. On November 7, Venus moves into the sign of Scorpio. She is in a sign that is intense in focus and emotionally. Scorpio rules lawyers, insurance agents, taxes, legacies, and the mafia. We see a strong desire to commit at this time. She is also in the blind spot of Mercury. Where Mercury is, he is thinking about fun and games, we may have someone, woman, in our lives who wants more from us at this time.
November 11th has a trine between Saturn and Uranus. This is the energy of authority versus freedom, but in this case we may see a standoff, which ultimately builds cooperation in the end. It is the energy of independence, and businesses have a new, exciting and creative ideas. It is the energy of geniuses, technology, and this is a time where the business we've been working on all you're really gets a leg up. Unexpected things can happen. Remember, whatever happens ultimately, it will be to our benefit. November 13th Mercury and Sagittarius squares Neptune in Pisces. We want action versus using intuition. Our head wants to take action and yet we are not quite able to, withdrawing to the shell. On November 16th, we enter the shadow period of Mercury retrograde. This is a time where we will be reevaluating things that we do during this time period, for the next two months. On November 19th, Mercury and Pluto square in Libra and Capricorn, respectively. This is, once again, a point in the year where we see frustration and irritability, and even acting out, or tantrums, from wanting things to go our way within a relationship, but being blocked by a power play. Finally, November 28th, we have Mercury and Saturn join up in Sagittarius. At this time, we will see stories that we had on January 7th, or that weekend, be taken to task. This could be the time when the shooter in Fort Lauderdale gets sentenced, or contracts will come to fruition.
On December 3rd, Mercury retrogrades in Sagittarius at 29°, almost getting into Capricorn. Along with this energy is the Moon is full in Gemini. Since Mercury rules Gemini, this full Moon will be a more difficult full Moon, and the shift with Mercury retrograde will, also. Look for weather issues to arise, with storms, etc., on top of the usual Mercury retrograde difficulties. Electronics will be especially squirrelly. Mercury goes direct on the 22nd of December. On December 10th, Mars heads into Scorpio, seeking revenge. He digs things up, stirs things up, and brings out sexual innuendo. It is time for commitment. We see the transition of a prominent male figure, or politician.
On December 19th, Saturn moves into Capricorn, it's own sign. This is when freewheeling ideas, and the drive to be out on our own, our sense of freedom (Sagittarius), transitions into a conservative, stoic outlook. We move from being vagabonds, players and comedians to pragmatists, overly responsible and organizers. The next 2 1/2 years will bring us back to when we were growing up, the traditions, and we are implored to get things in order. Clutter-clearing is a Capricorn hallmark. As Capricorn is, also, the energy of cool weather, it is likely that we will have cold front is moving in around this time., across the country. England has a strong Capricornian connection, so stories out of the UK arise. Earthbound events happen, such as earthquakes or volcanoes, or plane groundings. On December 25th, Christmas, the Sun joins with Saturn. It is a traditional Christmas. On the 26th, Venus moves into Capricorn and joins Saturn. Venus and Saturn can bring an elderly person into our life. It can, also, bring us an older romantic partner. Finally, on the 27th of December, Mars trines Neptune. This is a time where we can make our dreams come true. Deep emotional ties help guide us in the right direction.
January begins and we feel a bit stopped up, and not able to move forward with our ideas for career. By the second week, we should be feeling a little bit better. This will give us more fire to do what we need to do, and wrap up old stories around education, health and fitness, things that are related to selling a house, or anything related to foreigners or those of other cultures.
The second week is going to be a stronger week for contracts, moving forward with our ideas or plans for a new business, and career. The middle of the month we are more dreamy, and lower energy. If you are used to things moving forward quickly, or have your own Mars in a fire sign, this will be a difficult energy for you to cope with. Not much is getting done, people are not wanting to move or go anywhere. It's a very lazy laid-back energy. This is a time to get closer to spirit, fantasize, daydream, or create fabulous works of art. This is also another incredible time to begin, or continue, the journey to your dream. Movies can help us escape, but be careful of escapism through alcohol or drugs, Pisces rules over these. We can look to escape too much, and if this is what you feeling, it would be wise to seek outside help, therapist, or friend to talk things through with. We can see oil prices go up, water is at a premium, or abundant. On the 19th, we see very obvious strife. There is a strong disconnection between religious beliefs, and religious organizations. Authority is at odds with youthful determination. Look for potential terrorist issues at this time. This is also another hotspot for potential issues with police, emergency workers, and the organizations that oversee them.
The 19th of January we see ourselves can move from old-school two new school traits. Tradition, history, the elderly are less on our minds, and unions, the masses, humanitarianism are all coming in. You can look for technology glitches, and internet issues as we get used to the new electrical infusion of energy. The very next day is the inauguration. The presidency of this country is always under an Aquarian Sun, as inauguration day is always the same date. Ultimately, the president must act on behalf of the masses as a whole.
The end of the month we can see strong will, and thoughts, around revenge, especially if our ideology is challenged. We get a stronger drive to organize our lives. Taxes can get done, insurance bought, and other details of the system, or a systematic life are tended to.
On the 29th, look for strong masculine energy to come out, and this means aggression, assertiveness, the drive to take physical action to express energy and emotion. We will see more aggression in the world, as concentrated masculine tendencies arise.
February is a strong month. On the second, we have Groundhogs Day, the pagan holiday Imbolc. Energetically, there is a lot to digest. Today is 2/2, the second day of the second month. Numerologically that adds up to four, I number I associate with a softer money vibration. It is also the vibration of couples, being 2/2. In astrology, the number to translates to the second house. The second house ruler is Venus, and she rules couples, love, and money. This is a more difficult time for money matters and finances, the money market, and possessions. Items can be broken, or items are at the end of their lifecycle. The short story is look for difficulties in the stock market, or money markets. What is normally stable can have warbles. We are thinking of ways to stabilize. Corporations gain attention, and we may desire to work for a bricks and mortar employer, at this time.
On the 6th of February, we are looking at our interactions with a partner, loved one, or business. Are we getting our needs met? Is this something we want to continue with, reevaluate, or leave? Sun in Aquarius gives us clarity, and an actual detachment from egoic work, drive. We are more inclined to care for others the first three weeks of February and the last week of January. While we care about the collective, the Aquarius Sun is more detached from the one on one. Unions, and professional organizations and groups are in the spotlight.
Mercury enters Aquarius on February 8, adding to the energy. Again, more energy infused into the idea of working for yourself. The 22nd is a friction point. This is energy we have seen a lot, and it is another trigger for authority and emergency workers or the police. On this day, there is likely to be an overriding governmental influence, to protect the safety. This is also an energy that could indicate riots. On the 27th, there is a balancing of the aggression back to the side of the people, but also fringe ideologies.
March comes in like a lamb with the Sun in Pisces. Again, when we have planets in Pisces we see zapping of our energy. The Universe wants us to slow down and take time to enjoy the beauty in life, appreciate love for loves sake, and sleep, perchance to dream. On the fifth, there is a more aggressive energy, and masculine energy by women., then a withdraw of some of this energy, with women becoming more demure, and passive. It feels more like her power has been taken from her. This is how we will translate this energy wherever Venus falls in our chart. This is a time where planned parenthood could get defunded, or similar actions against the better good for women. We may feel helpless.
The sixth is an enhancement of our intuition and hidden desires. All of the planets through Pisces lend themselves to connecting more with love, whether it is agape love, or the love of another. The 10th, is a time of improved electronics sales, and technology will do very well at this point, as you may be buying some new technology. Our thoughts can also be with the greater good, and issues involving firefighters police, and EMTs. Look for storms, and potential for dry air and fire. The planets in Pisces can help with water, but not necessarily consistently. On the 20th of March. buildings, especially older ones, the dogma of tradition, restrictions around travel and relationships are challenged. It is an energy of authority versus freedom, career versus marriage. This is a time when people may make their transition, and relationships can come to an end.
It isn't necessarily going to be a fun April. Our thoughts are much more practical, and down to earth around money matters, and desires. Within the week after, issues related to love and money that you were feeling the last couple days of January and the first four days of February will come back for a second pass. This means those issues around love desire money will get reevaluated. You will get to relive this through the 29th of April. This means that whatever has been reevaluated for money, desire, and connection to a higher source will take a turn and complete the story. The story is about things coming up from the past, including love, karma, money connections, and anything that would connect you to your ancestry, or an archival element. If you are relating to the film industry, or photography, whatever you experienced having to do over will finish up at this time. Some of your dreams and desires will be reevaluated and reworked. This could also mean the selling of property. There is a connection to marriage partnership and opening of the responsibility of where that relationship is... Do you want to stay or go? Moving on, on April 5th, as you were starting to feel it was time to complete some travel business, a learning experience, etc., now, you are reevaluating your decisions. There is a new groundedness as we look for stability and structure. There will be trips back over careers decisions, schooling decisions may have to be reevaluated and restructured.
The 6th of April is considered a positive energy, but you may experience something unpleasant before you get the treasure. Look for a shift in stocks, financial markets, a correction of sorts. This can also mean there will be a shift in how we take action on our finances, and also frustration could arise for a brief amount of time. Focus on agriculture, plants, food, what we put in our bodies is highlighted. Given the strong headstrong, archetypal energy of the animals associated with Aries and Taurus, ram and bull, you get the idea just how stubborn, and aggressive April can be. It is a very forceful, assertive energy that is coming in around finances and economics. There will be record-setting days in the stock market, and conservative drops, as well.
On April 11th, there is a strong sense of responsibility, or need to own up to relationship status. Conflict can occur around ego, and getting one’s needs met. It is a sort of "go" time. On the 19th of April, Sun in Taurus brings the attention to finances agriculture property and taking one’s time to decide. On the 20th of April, Pluto and Sun shifts are an indicator that economies, governments, political machinations, internal structure, and issues of the interior of the country come to the fore. This is a strong, tumultuous energy. The same day, you will find yourself wanting to assert an opinion on whatever comes your way. It is a fast, aggressive thought process, with a little time for the details. Our thoughts move towards doing it and then moving on. We are looking to create something through self-promotion, and we will. Also, want to talk more about ourselves. So as the country feels these energies, America can get more brash, and force issues. America can, also, attract aggression. The very next day we don't always listen to the other side, but may see multiple situations around communications difficulties. There is a Jekyll and Hyde energy at times, there can be more than one front where we will be seeing aggression, or asserting our opinions. In a personal sense, we can be more sexual, and attract more partnership, or sexual partners. We are more charismatic, chatty, and willing to express ourselves. While the month of April is more aggressive, there will be a lot of bravado, and rhetoric to go around. People are talking, and good will come from it if we work at it. We are seen as attractive, personally, and nationally. Ideas are popping, but so are projects. To wrap up the month of April, look for potential accidents, and increased connection and interest in travel, foreign countries, business abroad, education, and athleticism. The energy will express through electronic difficulties, but can also express in positive ways including coming to agreements with people of other cultures. There will always be a silver lining in any difficulties coming from trines.
We see the coming of mayhem, and tremendous movement around business dealings. There is a review of what will work best for long-distance relationships, but it is still a time of tending to details around work. Wednesday, May 3rd will be welcome for those who are physical, all the fire signs. We can now express pent up aggression, and anger that has been building over the last three weeks. This doesn't mean that we're going to go out and punch somebody, but we will get back into our physical routines, and if we had not been to the gym in a few weeks, will get there now. There will be less resistance to our means of expressing ourselves. We will feel extra assertive around expressing our ideas. These ideas can relate to marketing, sales, and things that would help promote a business, if you've been working on that for the last year. Meeting up with someone unexpected can also happen. You may be more charismatic, and attractive to the opposite gender. This is a physical, sexual energy, and not so much romantic… but it is flirty! The 11th is a difficult energy for cooperation in romance. As I've just said, we're much more sexual. This is a time that can create disagreements between the genders, but also physical aggression towards women. This is a narcissistic combination, and can result in highly codependent, even abusive, relationships. May 12 brings ideas, and the expression of those to fruition. Take action on your thoughts while you have the fortune to find people that can help you manifest it, or partner with you. May 17th is a big day for relationship transformation, breaking apart relationships whether you may want to have it or not. This energy brings the transformation to move beyond addiction issues, and codependence. This is the Universe saying this is not a healthy relationship. May 18th drives the point home, but keep in mind it is going to be better for you, and the energy supports travel, and getting away, far far away.
June 3rd has unexpected romance find its way to you, but things are very transient, a quick “in and out” quality. This is a sexual attraction that may come and go, with fever. On a larger scale, there is an attraction to small businesses. June 9th brings not only good fortune, but manifesting healthy exercise routines, educational expansion including taking a class, or scheduling a class, and there will be a general good feeling. Plan trips that take you too far off, exotic locales. Cooperation of people from foreign countries is a positive outcome. On June 16, we should see floods, or storms, or skiing snow! The same day, we see an edge coming to the weekend. On June 21, the Sun moves into Cancer,. This is a week of connecting to family, nurturing others, and yourself, and paying attention to emotions. We are all wanting to nest. If you know anyone with a Cancer in their charts, you may spend time with them now. On the 25th, we will see discord between the institution of marriage, partnerships even in business, and the core family unit. People are more inclined to get their feelings hurt, and run away, giving the silent treatment this week. Since America is a Cancer-ruled country, you can expect some foreign discord at this time. The very next day, June 26, we are having very deep, sentimental feelings about our country, or family. Look for actions towards the vision we have for the year being taken.
July 2nd brings increased chances for accidents, connection to America, foreign interests, educational energy are all triggered. This is an energy around restriction, and authoritarianism coupled with disagreements on home soil, or about what is good for the family. In a personal sense, this means that family and career are at odds, for America it means what Americans may want to nurture the country is at odds with what authority is doing in foreign diplomatic situations. This is the beginning of issues that will culminate on July 9th. There is a full Moon on the ninth of July, which will escalate matters. This is an intense time, as it is the inclination to act on behalf of the family, or homeland, but circumstances far away from us are at odds with what feels comfortable. The full Moon on this day, we will be looking for an authority figure to act on our behalf, which will not be the case. Nationally, interests overseas will involve leaders, and corporations or business interests at a heightened pace. There is a very clear statement of how ego is at odds with a larger path to change, and the understanding of social morays. It is about integrity, and value of self to others, pulling out the hidden, and exposing the mystery. With the full Moon shining in Capricorn, this is an us versus them scenario. Emotions, and egos run high. We see someone who usually has the last say, and the full Moon punctuates this. We can see shifts around the structure of roads, buildings, or the physical body. This can, also, mean earthquakes. This is a strong hot point for the year. On July 5, there is ego driven words, but also adding to the hyperbolic rhetoric out there. July 17th planetary stresses are added to what has happened since the beginning of the month. This is a difficult time in business, as we may want to be closer to family, but we have to find a way to detach.
August 2nd, look for difficult weather, including storms, tornadoes, hurricanes, lightning, wind, and outages as this aspect approaches. This is also a shift of direction around what's best for the whole. Group ideology is restricted. This could be military or government restriction to riots or surly assemblies. Electronics on the Internet are affected. On August 4, trying to work a compromise with partners, or the system of the organization is difficult. August 13, Mercury goes retrograde in Virgo, definitely, back up your computers before this date, you may want to do it in July. We will see electronics not work, small pets may have issues, or leave us, classrooms will have issues with getting the point across, or assignments not being given accurately, or missed or misunderstood. Phone communications are difficult, as is email, and texting. On August 16th,, we see issues around love, sisters and mothers, authority or career, and fathers. There's a total solar eclipse in Leo, on the 21st of August. Egos and sentimentality do not go together. This can also involve sentimentality around visions of a bigger picture. Authority figures are at odds. August 25th, planets will be trying to finish up the loose ends around health, nature, school, music, travel and religion. This includes getting real about your health, getting an active workout routine, committing to that spiritual practice you've been thinking about, going back to school, or taking classes to become a real estate agent, teaching classes, going on the road with that band you just formed, going up on stage to try out your comedic chops, selling your house and moving to the other side of the country, or to another country. If you've been waiting for a sign from the Universe, consider it delivered. August 27th, brings new romantic relationships, but know that they may not be of the faithful kind, or truthful.
September comes in actions of a leader, father figure, or even child which is in conflict with how you see the situation. Actions are wounding on this day. On the second, there is a very forthright energy, and unexpected actions are taken, probably from ego, or self interest. This is also a great time to take a risk, buy a lotto ticket. On the third, there will be warm dry, or windy weather. Thoughts and actions are cooperative now, you can see a strong create event with the Leo energy, and playfulness and children may factor in prominently to your time. Fire energy may translate literally, with fires. With Mercury retrograde, know that whatever thoughts cross your mind, you will be reliving them, after Mercury goes direct in a couple days, but you will not be able to manifest as easily. On September 5th through the 21st sees the energy goes from playful and whimsical into pragmatic and work-oriented. Our thoughts surround the pragmatic side of things, details, work, health, and hygiene. We are more altruistic and may desire more alone time. On the 21st we go from that loving romantic thoughts to concern for others, but we need alone time to recharge for others. Just consider that the second half of September may be more about work, and less about friends and fun. On the 28th, Pluto energy always shifts earth awareness, including potential irruptions of volcanoes, tectonic plate shifts may cause earthquakes. The same day, there is an unexpected ending and you could, also, be the transition or status change of a relationship, out of the blue, i.e. expansion, or contraction. Also, be on the lookout for accidents, or altercations, or explosions.
On October 1, the material world figures prominently, and we may see a reduction of income, but an increase in responsibility and work time. The money can be there, but there is resistance in asking for it. If you can overcome your distaste for discussing money, you can get a raise.
On October 5th, physical or romantic needs are met by each individual, we aren’t looking for a partner, overtly. Even so, what attracts us now is a sharp mind, and wit. We are more aware of the body, the digestive system, the food we eat and its effect on our bodies. We may think about losing weight at this time. Inconjunct means that a fiery, or strong woman may be causing this difficulty. This can also bring tantrums from children and we act as a very conscientious parent, helping to smooth over the situation. Even so, it may not do enough, as the full Moon wants what it wants when it wants it.
On October 10th is intense dark and brooding. There is an inclination, now, towards extreme behavior. Planets are trying to get us to be more aware of our value in the world, This is done by giving us the sense of self-interest and awareness of our personal needs. This can increase the desire to move on, we will cut ties, and run. Look for seemingly deep, committed relationships in the spotlight breaking up. On October 11th, health and nature grab our attention, but the planets influence each differently. It is about taking action, and work, on some level. Pay attention to details and Saturn in Sagittarius does not. There could be some strong difference of opinion in the workplace, and about careers. For some positive energy, on the 27th of October, we will see a stronger spotlight on truth and politics. We shall expand our awareness, and find the passion within to take action, and harvest the drive towards commitment to our passions.
On November 5th Mercury moves into the sign of Sagittarius, bringing a lighter energy, happier demeanor. Later in the month, we revisit the energy from back in January, the week of storms on both coasts, and a people stuck at airports. But when he goes in, in early November, he brings a lightness of thought. We start to want more time to play, more freedom, we are interested in finding out about the spiritual side of life, or religion, and nature and health become more desirable. On November 7, it is intense in focus and emotionally. Focus is on lawyers, insurance agents, taxes, legacies, and the mafia. We see a strong desire to commit at this time. We are thinking about fun and games, we may have someone, woman, in our lives who wants more from us at this time. November 11th has the energy of authority versus freedom, but in this case we may see a standoff, which ultimately builds cooperation in the end. It is the energy of independence, and businesses have a new, exciting and creative ideas. It is the energy of geniuses, technology, and this is a time where the business we've been working on all you're really gets a leg up. Unexpected things can happen. Remember, whatever happens ultimately, it will be to our benefit. November 13th we want action versus using intuition. Our head wants to take action and yet we are not quite able to, withdrawing to the shell. On November 16th, it is a time where we will be reevaluating things that we do during this time period, for the next two months. On November 19th, once again, a point in the year where we see frustration and irritability, and even acting out, or tantrums, from wanting things to go our way within a relationship, but being blocked by a power play. Finally, November 28th, we will see stories that we had on January 7th, or that weekend, be taken to task. This could be the time when the shooter in Fort Lauderdale gets sentenced, or contracts will come to fruition.
On December 3rd, look for weather issues to arise, with storms, etc., on top of the usual Mercury retrograde difficulties. Electronics will be especially squirrelly. Mercury goes direct on the 22nd of December. On December 10th, someone will be seeking revenge. He digs things up, stirs things up, and brings out sexual innuendo. It is time for commitment. We see the transition of a prominent male figure, or politician. On December 19th, Saturn moves into Capricorn, it's own sign. This is when freewheeling ideas, and the drive to be out on our own, our sense of freedom (Sagittarius), transitions into a conservative, stoic outlook. We move from being vagabonds, players and comedians to pragmatists, overly responsible and organizers. The next 2 1/2 years will bring us back to when we were growing up, the traditions, and we are implored to get things in order. Clutter-clearing is a Capricorn hallmark. As Capricorn is, also, the energy of cool weather, it is likely that we will have cold front is moving in around this time., across the country. England has a strong Capricornian connection, so stories out of the UK arise. Earthbound events happen, such as earthquakes or volcanoes, or plane groundings. On December 25th, Christmas, the Sun joins with Saturn. It is a traditional Christmas. The 26th can bring an elderly person into our life. It can, also, bring us an older romantic partner. Finally, on the 27th of December, this is a time where we can make our dreams come true. Deep emotional ties help guide us in the right direction.
®2017 Shelley Overton