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Full Moon Eclipse in Aquarius

The big buzz aspect of this week is the full Moon eclipse in Aquarius in July. I will pick the specifics apart in this blog, and help you understand the depth of this aspect. The Moon is full on July 27th at 4:20 pm Eastern, 1:20 Pacific, and 9:20 pm GMT.

Full Moon: The Moon waxes for two weeks and wanes for two weeks a month. As the Moon begins at new, then waxes to full, we see a culmination of emotional energy focused by the sign the Moon is in. In this case, the Moon is in the sign of Aquarius. Aquarius is the sign of science, entrepreneurship, intellect (i.e. genius), storms, electrical energy and storms, humanitarianism, internet, and the unusual or unique. The Moon in Aquarius brings out situations which are unpredictable, or eccentric. Full Moons bring a fulfillment or culmination of emotional stories. Since Aquarius also drives the energy of detachment, emotional, personal, or otherwise. The culmination of Moon in Aquarius at early degrees means a ripening of detachment to humanitarian interests. We are pushed to detach from male agendas.

Moon conjunct Mars retrograde: Moon engages through emotions. The Moon rules home, family and mothers, and domesticity. Mars in Aquarius is a drive towards understanding, humanitarianism, emotional detachment and much more. Given that Mars is now retrograde, the natural drive of Mars is thwarted. It will make us feel stymied, blocked or, at the very least, frustrated at the lack of action we can take. The Moon shines a light on this energy (as a reflection of the Sun). We are at a break point of tolerance. Mars is used to being assertive or aggressive to get things done. Retrograde Mars has its wings clipped, for the time being. The full Moon will exacerbate the energy we feel around the frustration of inertia. We can throw tantrums. This can be expressed in unexpected ways, an Aquarius hallmark. This is energy of expressionism, the collective consciousness, and conscious awakening. We will not feel comfortable with the intensity of the full Moon on our internal water content. We can be emotional, erratic, and unpredictable. On a larger scale, this means we can see public erratic behavior, potentially affecting a large scale of people. This is the energy of blackouts, no internet connection, electrical storms which affect large populations, and acting out on personal, intellectual views. This can be the person who is shunned in society, or believes they are, taking out their distress on others. Mars direct motion in mid-August will drive Mars back to this degree by September 28th. Look for events begun on the full Moon to culminate at that time.

Moon opposite Sun Eclipse: An eclipse is the transit of the Moon into opposition to the Sun, with the Earth in between casting a shadow on the Moon. This is, also, a Blood Moon, or a red-colored Moon caused by the spectrum interference of the Earth. Personally, the symbology of the Blood Moon is fairly straight forward. Intensity, possible bloodshed, upset. Energy of an eclipse relates to the loss of reflecting light, awareness, and the reinitiation of light, or awareness. Understanding new information, and setting new agendas can come out of this transit.

Moon conjunct South Node/opposite North Node: The "Nodes of Fate" will be part of the mix. The nodes, points of intersection of Moon orbits, relate to past life energy played out in current life (South Node) and transmutation of the negative side of this energy through growth, shown in the energy of the North Node. These are points of immense growth, lessons, and events. The nodes are at 5° on the Leo/Aquarius axis, so it relates to relating (Leo), friendships, children, leadership, hyperbole and ego. On the Aquarius side, it is intelligence, science, humanitarianism, eccentricity and entrepreneurship. With Mars retrograde at 3°, South Node at 5°, and the Moon splitting the difference, truth, or clarity, comes out in society. It is demanded, with retrograde motion symbolizing looking back into the past, we are taking action on past events. In this case, recent ones from the end of May until June 25th, the day of retrograde.

Sun conjunct North Node/opposite South Node: The Sun near the North Node in Leo connects the energy of leadership, creativity, romance, friendships, and children to the events of July 27th, and the following week. We will be seeing fallout from what takes place around the full Moon for a while, like we did the Solar Eclipse of 2017. This is an opposing energy to the "leader", and the stories they give. It is a calling out, out of frustration (Mars retrograde) and past, familiar, behavior. Remember, our country was founded with the nodes at 6° Leo (North Node) and 6° Aquarius (South Node). This is significant for Americans, and what the vision is for our country. South Node in Aquarius brings independence and autonomy of the individual while being connected to the collective. We are going through a major existential crisis. This is a significant time of deciding where we will be going as a country.

Moon square Uranus: Of course, Uranus moves retrograde August 7th, so Uranus is in its station period. The full Moon will be square to Uranus in Taurus. This tells me that the collective awareness of events is at odds with monetary systems. The banks and market will not like what happens with this transit, as it challenges the norm, or status quo. Taurus is nothing if not stable, while Uranus shakes things up. This can be a strong earthquake energy, and also earth systems are at changing more to our awareness of them. In other words, we will become more aware of issues around chemicals in food and agriculture, agendas around electrical systems related to underground cables, or anything which combines the energy of Uranus (ruler of Aquarius, and synonymous with its attributes), and Taurus, energy of money, values, finances, and couples. Finally, this is a difficult energy for relationships as the true nature of agendas and depth of love is more apparent. People will be seeing partners in a different light, and it could fare poorly for commitment.

With all this said, the Moon in full phase and eclipses happen every year. This is particularly potent with the addition of Mars retrograde, and the Nodes at original positions for America. It is a telling time, and a point of movement. Pay attention, but know that events will be hard to predict specifically, but generally, look to the areas of rulership for Aquarius and Leo.

Thank you for reading, and please pass the article on if you enjoyed it. You can reach me at or on social media: astrologergangel on Instagram, Pinterest, and artfulshelley at YouTube.

If you are interested in a private reading with me, please go to AngelicZodiac's readings page.

Have a safe and exciting full Moon eclipse.

©2018 Shelley Overton/AngelicZodiac

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