Written in the Stars - August 2017

Ironically, August is going to be coming in like a lion. The month of the lion, Sun sign of Leo, has a heightened awareness of patterns, thought processes, and behaviors due to Uranus' influence. Uranus is retrograding on August 2/3rd, depending on where you live. the retrograde motion of Uranus is influencing a heightened connection to the electrical energy in our world. This translates into more clarity, but also more difficulties with electronics, the Internet, unusual or unexpected events, and clarity of thought. As the Nodes of Fate are in Aquarius and Leo currently, this is trying to be a heightened energy around fated events. On Friday, August 5, we have a direct square between Jupiter and Pluto. This energy is also a very large punch in world activity. We see more contrast between cooperation and what authority figures want. Jupiter does not want to listen to the partner anymore, and it follows its own agenda. Jupiter rules travel, musicians, comedians, real estate, foreign affairs, spirituality and religious institutions. With Mars and the Sun joining in Leo, leadership and dictatorship comes out in the news, as royals, and royalty are also spotlighted.
The upcoming eclipse in late degrees of Leo will see a wrapping up of the story around leadership,

reigns of royalty, children's stories, romance and creative projects. And attraction to royal news stories maybe seen, as witnessed by a prominent position on the Netflix homepage of the show Reign, and the Princess Diana retrospective on network TV recently. Children may require more attention, as we are walls children. of playfulness is wanted, but we see difficulty with those who would be in power, and a restrictive nature. Pay attention to where creative energy flows in your life, as you will see a shift in how you look at it during the eclipse week.
On August 21st, we will have a total solar eclipse cutting a very determined path across the middle of the United States. Four days later, Saturn turns direct in the sign of Sagittarius. With the slower moving, outlying planets making these shifts, we will see tremendous shift around society. Seven has control over control, structures, I thoroughly, and governance structure. these areas will strongly be affected. with the Mercury in Virgo retrograde coming on August 12th, we will definitely see a very strong. of storms, miscommunications, outages of all sorts, including Internet communications and power outages.
Storms are brewing, and Mercury in Virgo, an earth sign, will have temperatures drop, and bring in more cooler weather. This also puts attention on the ground, nature, and everything that grows. Education can be spotlighted with late degrees Jupiter, and Mercury in Virgo.
Even though the Earth may have cooler temperatures, Leo is fire in nature, and on the Solar Eclipse Moon, Sun, Mars and the North Node will all be in Leo. This brings fire, and with a trine to unpredictable Uranus that day, know that explosions, chemical fires, and wildfires are likely. Especially with Mercury retrograde, be very cautious around gasoline, chemicals, and electricity. Lightning will be triggered. As a Floridian, lightning is a constant. This week saw an airport worker in Ft. Meyers struck by lightning which hit the tail of a plane on the tarmac.
Saturn at end degrees of Sagittarius is answering to Jupiter, Sag’s ruler, and opposing all of the Leo planets on the eclipse day. Jupiter also brings transitions, and passings. Needless to say, it is a tumultuous, and life-changing month. We have a couple more… October, and December stand out. More on that in upcoming Written in the Stars blogs.
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